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...I need to move on, Bubba will still be my friend- he IS still my friend, my very best friend and nothing more will become of it.

I need to focus on the present and nothing more.

I laid back in bed with my arms behind my head with a shit eating grin on as close my eyes half way, Mama leant against the wall beside me shaking her head trying not to laugh.

" Do dogs from different countries speak different dog languages?" I asked, i got a sigh from Mama as she tapped her foot getting impatient with me

" Now why in the world do you think that i would have a clue? c'mon now hon, time to get out of bed and start the day." Mama said with an eye roll

I rolled my eyes snickering and got out of HER bed and left the room pulling my hair out of its pony tail and letting it woosh out freely behind me before quickly tying it up into high pigtails.

I walked onward down the halls with a pep in my step, i was excited to say the least- i have a feeling today would be a great day somehow and i guess its affected my mood greatly, i practically skipped my way towards the main lounging area humming a sweet but catchy tune as i did so. I waved at Hoyt and he waved back slightly smiling at me weirdly which made me smile more " Recon you can take me into town handsome? i need to stretch my social boundary's some" I asked as Hoyt just nodded as i made my way heading towards the front door, i caught a glimpse of Bubba and he was staring right at me- shit. What i do now???

I went over to him and stood infront of his as he sat on the porch with a glass of lemonade as Thomas sat on the porch steps holding his own glass.

" Good morning cupcake" I said grinning at Bubba with a tint on my cheeks remembering what embarrassment transpired late last night

I placed my attention on Thomas knowing that if i looked at Bubba any longer i might just shed a shameful tear, i need a new muse for awhile and this mountain of a man named Thomas might just be it.

" Mornin' to you as well muffin, i have to ask though...what do you do to make yourself this good looking? I just don't get it!" I said flirtingly as he starred at me with wide eyes before he let out a nervous grunt and looked back out across the front lawn with his eyes occasionally flickering back to mine.

" Well whatever it is, don't you fuckin' stop anytime soon." I muttered

" Anyways, i have to go do some shit now. I just remembered that explore the town and maybe even meet someone special!" I said as Hoyt came out the front door

I grinned at him and he rolled him eyes while pulling on his hat " C'mon now girly" He grunted

I hummed an affirmative and followed close behind him with my arms behind my back

" Let's get this show on the road then!" I cheered as i jumped up and down with my arms in the air as Hoyt unlocked his patrol car and got in with a groan, i whooped and jumped into the backseat before buckling up. I caught his eye and winked " Safety comes first." I replied with a grin.

I hummed with a smug grin spreading onto my lips as i snickered and leant back with my arms behind my head as Hoyt scoffed

" You think your so smart don'tcha, your some smartass prissy teen who dosen't know her place and I'll be darned if i admit that i wouldn't be head over heals to knock you down some-" Hoyt started as i deceivingly decided to cut him of with an obnoxiously loud laugh.

" Montreal citizen Luka Rocco Magnotta, 29, was a one-time male model and low-budget gay porn star. Magnotta allegedly killed his lover, 33-year-old Chinese student Jun Lin, by stabbing him with an ice pick and cutting his throat. The killer then sliced Lin to pieces, decapitated him, devoured pieces of his flesh and fed them to a dog, masturbated with the man's body parts, and anally penetrated the limbless torso. So yeah, i may be some 'smartass prissy teen' and i may not know know my place but I will be fucked if i don't bite the hand that feads me, cause thats just who i am and that ain't ever gonna change" I said with a wide smirk and smug eyes as i gave him a wink before hearing a growl and curse as i flipped him off with my left hand and adjusted myself to look out the window feeling satisfied...

I had been out all day just exploring and making friends here and there before i noticed Hoyt's patrol car honking its horn at me as i dashed over to it and jumped in once we got home it felt like years before we emerged at last into the house, it was getting late from what i could tell but that didn't stop my thoughts from buzzing and crank up the distraction bar to high as i seemed to stand in the back steps for awhile, i walked out across the yard and started heading towards the forrest of weeds, I stood there amongst the long grass and sunflowers, it was sunset right now and it was so fucking pretty too.

Yet my attention was on the youngest Sawyer brother who stood at the back fence as i was on the other side, off of the Hewitt property. I don't know when he got there or how he got there without me noticing his movements. He whined and motioned me back but i crossed my arms and shook my head at him, i watched as he fidgeted and shuffled around all while jerking his head around back at the house to see if anyone came out most likely. I laughed rather loudly and spun around on my heels with my arms outstretched up towards the darkening sky, i grinned pathetically and looked back over at him with my hands once again at my sides.

" Bubba, your my best friend, my very best friend. I tell you things that i wouldn't tell anyone else, your the only good thing that has come out of this whole Texan mess so far." I said as he cocked his head to the side, i chuckled breathlessly.

I slapped the side of my head rather harshly watching as his head yanked up in my direction and he took a few steps forward into the mass of plants

" Bubs, I'm fucked up, more so than you think" I hummed out " Yet you don't even care!"

" I had a run in with Drayton yesterday, as you saw and already know. Everything's getting a bit too much since what happened and... and I can't describe how i feel. It's like there are hands on my eyes that don't let me see the truth sometimes" I say as i rubbed my arm subconsciously watching as he took slow steps towards me

" I'm slowly destroying myself, and you can't even see it." I said as i let my arms drop, hearing my bracelets changle against one another " I'm always wearing long pants and bracelets, and the temptation to do it again is so fucking strong." I say as Bubba now stands infront of me, he took my hands into his as he lets out soft whimpers and whines while he slowly and gently ran his thumbs up and down my arms feeling them for somethi...oh.

" I'm really sorry, I'm just kinda damaged and in a loop, I don't really expect you to get whats happening with me-" I was cut off when Bubba yanked me in for a hug, i hugged him back and shoved my face into his shoulder.

" Don't ever leave me" I say softly as we stand there in each others arms for what felt like eternity-

" You two kids better get your asses in here before you get eaten by mozzys!" I heard Mama yell from the back window.

I pulled back from Bubba just holding his hand now as we walk in silence to the house...

Bubba Sawyer x Reader x Thomas HewittWhere stories live. Discover now