Chapter 30

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Lovino's p.o.v.:

I was eating pasta with Feli about 10 minutes since I came back and I suddenly hear "Feli, you the front doors open. You OK?" And then my brothers fiancee walks in and doesn't look to happy to see me... "Look Ludwig! Lovino came home! Isn't that great!" My brother could not sense the tension in the air... as usual... Ludwig gives me stern look up and down before answering by brother "Ja, that is really great" he doesn't sound very happy but it does sound like he is trying to not sound mad for the sake of my brother. "Ludwig, do you wanna eat some pasta with us?"

"I would love to" he gives my brother a loving look before dishing himself up some pasta and sitting down next to him. We all sit there and eat our food and I notice the subtle things they do like holding hands beneath the table or small smiles they give each other, after about 15 minutes I pick up my plate and Ludwig picks up his and Feliciano's. as we both reach the sink he quietly says "meet me outside" I give a small nod. Damn, I was hoping to escape the lecture... I walk outside and wait for whatever the German has to say to me.

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I watched as Lovino walked out of the room 'Why did he wait so long before coming back?!?! Doesn't he know how worried Feliciano was??? I'll tell him in a sec' I walk over to Feli and kiss him on the cheek "I'm going to step out for a sec, I'll be right back. OK?" he gives me sweet smile before replying "OK! Don't take to long!"

I walk out to where Lovino is and he automatically gives me a look "What did you want me to talk to you about bastard"

"I don't really think your in a place to call me a bastard Lovino" I snap back, before he can say anything else i continue "Do you know vhat you've done to your little brother this whole time? huh? He CRIED because he didn't think you vere coming back! He's you Little brother! How could you do that to him?!?! If you veren't his brother I vould punch you for making him upset! I don't know what the hell your problem with me is but no matter vhat you think I'm here and I'm not going anyvhere! vhy? Because I am in love with Feliciano Vargas and I will protect him and keep him happy no matter vhat! If he wanted me gone then I'd leave but as long as he loves me and vants me I'm staying with him so get used to it at least for his sake! I don't care if you hate me for some reason but don't let it effect him!" I stopped my rant and looked at lovino as he stared at me like 'WTF?'. He finally spoke up "I'm sorry for what i did to my brother, OK? I get it your not leaving and I'll stop calling you a basturd around him.. or at least not as much.. ok?"

"OK" I walked back into the house with Lovino following me. I'm glad I got my point across to him... now maybe things can go back to normal at least long enough for me and Feli to get married.

Hi! Once again Im sorry this took so long and thank you for all the amazing comments and for being so patient for the new chapter! You readers are the best and thanks for reading! :)

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