Chapter 4

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

It had been 3 weeks since I kissed Ludwig and things were going great! we went out 5 times after that date and it seems like he really likes me! and even better that feeling I had? it turns out it was the start of love! and... its grown... so now I can say that I Feliciano Vargas am in love with Ludwig Beilschmidt! I just haven't said it to him yet... or any one else for that matter... *ring* *ring* "Feliciano! get the god damn phone already!" I rush over the phone "Vargas house Feliciano speaking"

"uh, Feliciano?" I hear Ludwig's voice on the other line "hi Ludwig! What's up?" I hear him shuffle nervously through the phone "um I vas vondering if you vould like to go on another date tonight?" I smiled on the inside. this is my chance! now I can tell Ludwig how I feel! "si! I would love to go on a date tonight!" I hear almost a quiet yes over the phone. did he really think I could say no? "great! come over at 5 OK?" I smile "see you then!" *click* I hang up the phone and my fratello comes down stairs "who was it?"


"what? what did that basturd want?"

"don't call him a basturd! and were going out again tonight!" why did fratello have to be so mean to him! I mean I really do love Ludwig and maybe once he knows he'll be nicer to him? I hope so... "your still going out with him? when are you going to f*cking break up with him?" I got mad at him when he said this "Never!"

"why the hell not?"

"because I love him!" I run up the stairs past my brother and into my room. I can't believe I just said that... and why is it when I say it out loud its to my brother? hopefully tonight I'll have the courage to tell Ludwig tonight...

                      ::time skip::

I walked up to Ludwig's house and knocked on the door. I'm a little nervous about tonight... what if he doesn't feel the same maybe he just likes me but doesn't LOVE me... what if maybe he just wanted to dump me... No! No! I don't know what I'd do if that happened! I love Ludwig and all I can do is hope he returns my feelings...

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I herd a knock at the door and I instantly knew who it was. tonights the night. I'm going to tell him exactly how I feel. I'm going to tell him that I'm in love with him. I answer the door and see Feliciano standing there "hello Feliciano I'm glad you could make it" he gave me that cute smile "of coarse! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" why did he have to be so cute? telling him is going to be harder than I thought... "please come inside" he walked in "grazie!" as we walked in Ti the kitchen he saw the food I had prepared and ran up to hug me "you made pasta! grazie Ludwig! thank you!" It took me a second but I hugged him back. I must have been blushing because he pulled back and laughed a little. "vhats so funny?"

"your blushing and its cute~" I blushed even more but tried to cover it up. "vell... do you vant to eat now?" he went and sat at the table "si!" I laughed a little at how excited he was about the pasta and sat down at the table.

                     ::time skip::

After dinner we were on the couch watching "Lion king" (his choice not mine and it was Gilbert's movie). After the movie ended I turned the TV off "that was a good movie but its getting late so I should go home thanks for the pasta" no he couldn't leave yet! I have to tell him now before he leaves! "Feliciano wait!"

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I guess I won't be telling him tonight... I'm just too scared of him rejecting my feelings! I get up to leave when I suddenly hear "Feliciano wait!" I turn around and see Ludwig standing in front of me. "si Ludwig is something wrong?"

"no just could you do something for me?"

"si what is it?"

"close your eyes"

"OK..." I close my eyes and before I even get the chance to peek I feel Ludwig's lips crash into mine. my eyes shoot open and go wide for a sec before I slowly close them melting into the kiss. I feel kinda sad when Ludwig pulls his lips from mine breaking the kiss. "I love you Feliciano Vargas, I have since the moment you we met in the gardens at the party" I started to cry. he... he really loved me! "I love you too! with all my heart I promise!" He closed his eyes and placed his forehead on mine "danke Feliciano, danke"

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