Chapter 11

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Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I woke up the next day in Ludwig's arms. When I turned to look at him I noticed he was asleep. He looks cute like this! Especially with his hair in his face, I kissed his forehead, "Good morning mi amore~" He blinked his eyes open and smiled when he saw me. "Good morning Feli vant some breakfast?"

"Si let's go!" I get up and start to get dressed when I realized something. "Um Ludwig?" He looked at me after getting dressed "Ja Feli?"

"My shirt is downstairs can I go get it?" He shook his head, "Sorry but I think Gilbert might have taken the shirts and put them in the vash already. You can wear one of mine if you vant." He grabbed a shirt and held it out to me. "Si~ Grazie!" I put the shirt on but it was kinda big so I had to roll up the sleeves. I turned to face Ludwig and saw his face bright red. Kinda like a blush. "Is something wrong? Why is your face red?" He then covered up his face and looked away. "It's nothing I'm fine. L-lets go get some breakfast!" He then started downstairs and I followed.I wonder what that was about?

                    ::time skip::

After breakfast I was helping Ludwig with the dishes. "Hey Ludwig! I have an idea!" He paused and looked at me "Ja Feli?"

"Maybe if I really talk to fratello about it he will accept the fact were getting married!" He turns off the water and looks at me "You really vant him to accept this don't you?"

"Si I do! I also don't want my brother mad at me!"

"Vell then go call him and set up a time to talk." I instantly went to the phone and called Lovino.

*phone call*

"Hello, who the fuck is this?"

"Ciao Lovino!"

"Feliciano? Where the fuck are you?"

"At Ludwig's house and I was wondering if you wanted to go eat some pasta? We can go to that place downtown if you like!"

"Ugh! Fine! Meet me there at 12! Don't be late!"

*end of phone call*

OK I just have to be on time and convince him this is an OK thing... also I should put on my own shirt, this is kinda big on me.

                     ::time skip::

I was walking with Ludwig to the restaurant since he offered to take me. When we reached the point where we had to cross the street I stopped and turned toward Ludwig "I can walk myself from here. I think if fratello saw you walking with me, the conversation wouldn't start so well..." He smiled and said, "I understand Feli. Hopefully your plan vorks"

"I hope so too!" I turn and see fratello across the street and the little 'OK to cross' symbol. So I start to cross the street then I hear someone yell "FELICIANO!" and I feel myself being jerked back.

Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I stand there and watch Feliciano start to cross the street but I look over and see a car speeding across obviously not going to stop. The car was headed strait towards Feli. "FELICIANO!" I run over there and jerk him back to safety. The car zooms past us and a crowd was drawn of people passing by who saw the commotion. "Feli, are you OK?" He looks a little shocked then looks right at me "S-si I'm fine. Grazie Ludwig." I held him close and the crowed started to disappear. I look up and see Lovino running to us, he grabs Feli and hugs him tight. "Feliciano are you OK? idiot you need to be more careful!" I saw Feli hug his brother back "Sorry fratello I didn't mean to worry you!" He then let go of his brother and looked at me. "Be greatful for what I'm about to say because I don't say it often...*sigh* thank you for saving mi fratello."

"Lovino? Ludwig saved me, he really does love me! Can you please accept the fact were getting married? I really don't like it that my own brother doesn't approve of the person I'm in love with!" I was a little shocked at this. Was his brothers approval that important to him? Lovino looked between Feli and me then sighed "Fine, but if you ever EVER hurt my little brother I will hunt you down and tear your muscles off! Got that?"

"Ja und don't vorry, Feli vill never be hurt vhen he's vith me. Besides I think vhat just happened is a perfect example of that." Lovino just gave me a glare. "Whatever basturd, just leave us alone so we can eat our pasta!" He then dragged Feliciano across the street and they went inside. I started to leave wishing Feli was next to me, after what just happened all I want is to hold him in my arms...

                     ::time skip::

That night I picked up Feliciano after a day with his brother and we went back to my house. After some dinner we were in my bed and I held him tight. "You scared me today you know." He looked at me with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare anyone..." He looks down kinda sad, so I lift his chin up so he looks me in the eyes "It's not your fault I'm just happy you're OK, Ich liebe dich Feli und don't you forget it!" He snuggled close to me "Ti amo troppo Ludwig. I'm happy you saved me..." He then fell asleep like that. "Anytime mien liebe..." And I turned off the lights falling asleep while holding him close because, once again, I felt he might disappear if I let go.

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