Chapter 23

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Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I walked downstairs after putting Feliciano to bed and saw Lovino walk through the door. Great. I really do hate being alone with him! "Hey, Basturd! Where's my brother?" Why did he always call me that? "He has a headache so I took him upstairs to lie down"

"Probably your fault!" I heard him mumble under his breath. Ok this was the last straw! I walked over and stood right in front of him "Do not blame this on me! Its not my fault his head hurts! It's not my fault he vas taken! I vill not stand here and let you take this out on me!" He looked mad and he raised his hand up at slap me. "You basturd..." Man he has issues! He was about to slap me when I heard Feli come in the room "Fratello?" Lovino went right over to Feliciano and said "Feliciano? are you ok? The basturd said you have a headache" really! even when he's being caring toward his brother he calls me a basturd! "well actually..." I saw him put his arm on the side of the stairs and knew something was really wrong so I hurried over to him "Feli? vhats vrong?"

"I...I..." He then collapsed right in front of me. I quickly caught him before he could hit the ground. "Feli? Feli! I'm going to take him to the ER" I picked him up and headed for the door when Lovino got in front of me "He's my brother! I'm going with you" he then opened the door, got in the car, and started it up. "Get the fuck in the car!"

"I'm coming!" I carried Feliciano to the car and sat with him on my lap. Afterwards Lovino was driving like a madman! "Slow down! At this speed Feliciano vont be the only ER patient!"

"SHUT UP! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Before I could retaliate he pulled up in front of the ER "Just get out" I gladly got out without another word and rushed him in there "Help! He collapsed!" A nurse instantly walked up to me and motioned to 2 men who brought a stretcher. I lied Feli down on the stretcher and instantly they were surrounding him and I was being asked questions about what happened "Were there any symptoms before he collapsed?"

"A headache"

"How long has he been out?"

"10 minuets" As soon as I said that they were wheeling him down the hall yelling medical stuff at each other. I tried to follow but the nurse stopped me "Sir you need to wait here"

"NEIN! I have to be vith him!" I tried to follow again only to be stopped again. "Sir please wait here" I gave up and sat down in the waiting room. Please Feliciano! I'll do anything just be ok! I then noticed Lovino sit next to me "How is he?"

"I don't know..." He hit his hand on the side of the chair "Damn it!" He put his head in his hands for a minute then he got up. "Call me if ANYTHING happens" And he left. All I can do is wait. Wait and hope he's gonna be ok.

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