Chapter 13

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Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I was eating breakfast with Feli when I heard the phone ring. *ring* *ring* "Hold on Feli, I'll get the phone." He took another bite of his breakfast. "OK Ludwig!" I smiled at his energeticness and went to answer the phone.

*phone call*

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Ciao Basturd"

"Hello Lovino how can I help you?"

"Where's Feliciano?"

"Eating breakfast, vhy?"

"Good don't let him out of your sight!"

"Again vhy?"

"Remember the car from yesterday?"

"Ja, vhat about it?"

"It wasn't an accident... it was an attempted hit-and-run."

"Vhat! How do you know this? Vhy vould anyone vant to hurt him?!?!"

"I pissed off some people by withholding information, so that was an attempt to get me to spill."

"So you think they'll try it again?"

"Si, so you watch him and I'll get this mess figured out."

"Ja, I'll do that just get this figured out so he's safe again..."

"I'll do that, but basturd?"


"If he ever gets hurt under your watch I'll kill you!"

*end of call*

He hung up before I could answer back. I just stood there with my hand on the phone. Feliciano... in danger? If what his brother just said is true then I'm not letting him out of my sight! I will protect mien liebe at all costs! "Ludwig? Is something wrong?"

Feliciano's p.o.v.:

I finished breakfast and noticed that Ludwig was still gone. I decided to go and check on him but when I got there all I saw was Ludwig holding the phone with a serious look on his face (more serious than usual!). I hope everything's all right... "Ludwig? Is something wrong?" He looked at me with concerned eyes. "No everything's fine, sorry I took so long let's finish breakfast." He walks toward me but I take a step back. I know something is wrong and I'm gonna find out!

"Ludwig I know something's wrong! please tell me!" He sighed and looked me right in the eyes. "Your brother was the one who called und he told me something's wrong.... und your in danger" I'm... in danger? Oh fratello who did you piss off now?

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