Chapter 15

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Ludwig's p.o.v.:

I started to wake up from my nap with Feli when I felt something was different. Feli wasn't there. I quickly opened my eyes wide and tried to look for him, I searched the whole house but couldn't find him. Then when I looked over by the door I noticed his wallet was gone. He must have gone to the store or something...

I went out looking for him and found nothing... no sign of my sweet little Italian... where could he have gone? I thought about it for a sec when the realization hit me like a truck. The people Lovino pissed off... they must have gotten to Feli!

I started running back home with images of Feliciano popped in my head. Pictures of him smiling, laughing, him dancing with me the night we met, they all soon turned into images of him crying, hurt, and even worse.... Dead. I ran as fast as I could because the faster I can get a hold of his brother the faster I get the names of the basturds who took him!

I finally got home and instantly went to the phone to call his brother.

*phone call*

"Hello what the fuck do you want!"

"Lovino it's me! Listen I can't find Feli!"

"What do you mean you can't find him! He's not like a toy or something he's gotta be somewhere!"

"No, I mean that one minute me and him are napping on the couch and the next he's gone!"


"It's not my fault! He walked off! Just tell me who's after him so I can kick their asses!"

"Come over and I'll tell you! It's not safe to talk like this! Just come to 1234 Roldi St. Downtown. Tell them you're there to see Vargas. They'll let you in."

*end of call*

He hung up after that so I went to my car the only thing on my mind still Feliciano. I swear if there's even a scratch on him I'll kill the basturds!

                   ::Time skip::

I reached the place Lovino told me to go and it was different from what I expected. It was a normal looking building at an ordinary place. I expected something else for all the trouble he and Feli got into.

I went inside and walked to the lady at the front desk "Um... hello?" She looked up from the desk to look at me. "Hello how may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Vargas." She went on her computer and started typing. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes, my name is Ludwig Beilschmidt" she looked at her computer scrolling a little "I'm not seeing a 'Ludwig Beilschmidt', Are you sure you were supposed to come today?" I sighed. Of course he didn't say something to his secretary! "Yes I'm sure, can you at least call and see?"

"Yeah I'll call and ask but don't get your hopes up!" She then picked up the phone and called Lovino. After what seemed like forever she put down the phone and a guy in a suit came in. The weird thing was the suit looked like something out of one of those 'mafia' movies.  "sir? Mr.Vargas will see you now so please go with this man here." I got up and followed the man into an elevator.

The ride up was very awkward because he didn't say a thing! He just gave me a dirty look the whole way! We reached the top of the building, (or I'm assuming it was since he pressed the button for the highest floor), and he led me to a door that said 'LOVINO VARGAS'  in all caps. The man then opened the door and shoved me in "Here's the guy you were lookin for boss!" Lovino just shooed the guy away "Ya ya thank you now go away!" The man left and I am now seriously confused at what the hell is going on!

Lovino's p.o.v.:

The man I chose to bring that basturd in here left leaving me alone with a very confused German. Under different sercum stances I would have a little fun with this but my brother is in danger so that can wait. "Listen basturd I didn't have you come here so you can stand there and look confused!" The confused look went away and was replaced with a serious one. " Ja ve are here to find vho took Feli and kick their asses!" Wow, Someone got serious fast! "Well at first I wasn't convinced he was kidnapped" I got up from my chair and walked to the front of my desk still talking. "But then I found this on my desk." I grabbed the envelope and handed it to Ludwig.

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