An Excerpt From Tragically: The Sequel to Dramatically

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THE QUEEN OF... of Fire and Ice (???)... IS BACK.

Yay! Yay! Your Majesty is back! Her Highness has returned from a place we don't know!


How have y'all been, minna? I've been making major decisions in writing. Dreaming big, even. So, here are the major changes I've been making:

No more author's note at the end of the chapter.

CVSF and Byeonara will be put before the chapter.

Very slow updates.

More big words.

More flashbacks.

Less caps lock in stories but more of them in author's notes.

Everything will no longer be narrated in past tense. Let's stick to the present.


That's all.

Anyway, let us begin this excerpt from Tragically! Bet ye can't wait.

Dedication to @RiverMoon18! Here is your long-awaited dedication! But, I had to search for you just to get you your name on this chap., because you changed it. Anyway, yay!




November 11, X802 - 3:19 am


"Run, Jade! Run!" Erza screams, sitting up all of a sudden.

She woke up to another nightmare. A nightmare so intense that she was sure she wouldn't forget about it for the rest of her life. She looked around her room. So far, still safe. She was still in the arms of her loving home. She was still fine.

"Stupid nightmare," she mumbles. "Stupid everything... everything's just stupid!"

She began thrashing around her room. This was a nightmare she wasn't going to forget about. And, she hated that fact. She hated having to live with nightmares.

"Geez. It's just three in the morning... It reminds me of him."

Several years ago, Erza's father had shown up to her, and he was their villain. A manipulated one. Ever since his death, she had been dreaming about him and how she became insane because of what she had done. But, no one could blame her; she only did it to save the guild. To save her friends.

That was ten years ago.

Five years ago, too, a terrible incident had happened. That was the one she wouldn't be able to forget.

"I'll be back before you know it. It's just a small number, you know," Jade Greene said, shrugging. "Don't become a worrywart, Erza. You might grow one on your alluring face. Good pun, Jade. Thank you, Jade. Oh, I'm talking to myself again. Quickly, behead me!"

"Jade, please, be serious about this matter," Erza replied. "You're about to conquer over seven hundred twenty-one minions of a guild we've already defeated. Are you serious about your decision?"

"Yes, Erza. It's not like, I'm going to die. In two years, I'll be back. Expect me to wake Laxus up with a blueberry pie - so it'd be very messy - on this very day, in two years. I promise you that," she cheerfully answered, smiling. "I'll miss all of you, though. I'll try to bring back souvenirs, but I'm not sure if you'll like them."

"Well, in that case... stay safe."

With a flip of her brown hair and goodbye footsteps, she left. But, not before saying, "Don't tell me you've lost faith in the Jade Greene. I'll save your asses when you need me the most."

Up to now, she wasn't coming back. Erza could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she recalled the day they prepared their all for her to return. But, she didn't. She never did.

"Jade... you lied. You're a pathetic, faking liar. Liar!"

She rubbed her eyes and decided to sleep again. Tomorrow was her big day, and she wasn't going to ruin it with sore eyes and a runny nose.

Tomorrow was her wedding day. She was finally getting married to the man she truly loves, Gray Fullbuster. Since the wedding was going to be broadcasted live, her childhood friend, who was also once her lifetime crush, didn't want to show up, for he was a criminal. A criminal that broke the rules mindlessly - or, should I say, while he was being manipulated.

Erza sighed. The world was getting nowhere. She was already twenty-nine, and she was an insane person. She should be capable of fixing herself anytime now, but she couldn't.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid."

Who am I? Erza Scarlet. How old am I? Twenty-nine, perfectly capable of fixing myself by this time of my life. Do I love anyone? Yes, his name is Gray Fullbuster, and he loves me back,' she thought. 'I think I'm not insane, but because I'm truly insane, my thoughts are insane. Insane. I don't have sanity. I should die anytime now. I feel useless. Useless.

Indeed, she was insane. An insane, ruthless killing machine, even.


"Here's the princess!"

"I am not a princess, Lucy," she replies, clutching tightly to the bouquet. "I am simply getting married. Do not exaggerate."

"Oh, come on now. You're getting me teary-eyed," Lucy Heartfilia says, tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes. "You're right, I shouldn't cry. It'll ruin my makeup. But, I'm just so happy for you, Erza. After ten years of waiting, you and Gray are finally, finally getting married. I can't help but feel a little jealous of you guys. But, for the most part, I am happy."

"Thank you," Erza mumbles. "That means so much for me, Lucy. Thank you."

"Now, come on! We can't delay ourselves! Natsu might destroy the decorations!" Lucy screams determinedly. "But, before we go, I'll be going to the restroom for one last time!"

"Okay, then. Make it quick."

Erza looks at herself in the mirror. She doesn't really look like someone who wears armors all the time and slays beasts of high ranking. In her eyes are fortresses of unbreakable ice. Her sorrow would never be broken. I lost a friend. A perfectly good friend, and now, she's not here.

Maybe, she won't ever come back. I should just move on and step forward. Let go and live. Say goodbye to the people who left you. Forgive and forget.

But, why can't I? Obviously, I can't because I'm still gripping on Jade, when she's not here. Let go of her, Erza. It's now or never.

And, she lets go of her bouquet that drops on the floor, along with her tears that easily overwhelm her.

This is not going to be as good as I thought it would be.


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