Love, Lucy

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Hello, minna-san!!!

This is a special spoiler chapter for Love, Lucy!!!

Because I'm evil!!!


Another dimension---

Lucy wakes up in another dimension, specifically in a hospital, and she sees Erza watching over her.

What happened to Lucy? She fainted.

What's the dimension? I haven't written about it yet.

Erza? Why Erza? She rescued Lucy.


Other places---

Erza works in a bakery/coffee shop. Coffee and Cream is the name of the shop, and it's a higher, better branch of the Fairy Tail restaurant, where Natsu and Gray work.

Why is it a higher branch? Well, this fancy shop's workers are Fairy Tail restaurant's promoted workers. In order to work here, there are two options: a) you must be exceptionally good or b) you get promoted from the Fairy Tail restaurant.

Where does Lucy work? Fairy Tail, but she tried to apply for Coffee and Cream first, not knowing that she would be sent immediately to Fairy Tail.



The story begins with a wedding of two certain characters.

What ship/Who??? No spoilers... Okay, just a hint. ALMOST EVERYONE ships this, and there are no wars about this ship, because it's gonna be CANON!!!!!!!!!!!

A wedding? Are they old enough? Well, yes, they are. It had been two years since they defeated Tartaros. Third person man over here will explain it in the first chapter.

Where is the wedding? First, it was in a church. Then, the reception was on a cruise. With magic that prevents motion sickness.


Other questions---

Is this other dimension similar to Edolas? Not even close. But, who knows what could happen?

Will this have some tragedy like your Dramatically? Hmm... yes. Absolutely. Not much, but yes. So, there's death again? Maybe. Like I said earlier, who knows what could happen? You would be hurting us again? Yes. I like doing that and replying to your comments. Comment in hashtags, by the way!

Well, that's all for the special spoiler chapter!


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