Leafa-san's NEW Upcoming Works!

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As you can see, it says NEW upcoming works. I've put some thought on it and just have four stories planned.

• Love, Lucy

Well, I've changed the plot a bit, but the whole thing still revolves on Natsu going missing. This story doesn't have magic, except maybe on the first chapter. It's one of those 'Lucy has a part-time job to earn college credit and she meets Natsu somewhere over the rainbow' crap, BUT PRETTIER!

• A Man Named Gajeel

Well, I have mentioned a GaLe fanfic named "When Push Comes To Shove", yes? I've changed it, and this GaLe fic will slightly be similar to @HumairaFitriyah's Memories book. Go read it, by the way!

In this story, I'm planning to get Gajeel in an S-Class mission with Erza, who's teaching him to be strong and fast and crap like that. When they challenge the targeted monster, Gajeel wins, but also falls off the monster. Because of this fall, the side of his head is hit by a rock, but it isn't broken or anything because his thick hair saved him. The only thing his thick hair couldn't save was his memories.

• Fairy Tail x Reader

I'm actually looking forward to this, but I'll do it in the future because I have so many planned stories and current stories. I haven't even updated Fairy Academy. I just wish readers would comment a lot in this book.

• Death by Darkness

The one fact I haven't mentioned about myself is that I ship ZerVis.


Anyway, the setting of this story is when Mavis, Purehito, Yury, and Warrod created Fairy Tail. That's hundreds of years ago. Of course, Mavis lives in Tenroujima, but currently in Magnolia. When she visits her home for a while, she meets Zeref. Purehito, Yury and Warrod don't know about this, and that means Mavis never told them.

Oh, and by the way, there's a little Dreyar family tree here. Yury would mention how he wants his son to be named Makarov, how his son would want to name his grandson Ivan, how his grandson would want to name his great-grandson Laxus, and how his great-grandson would want to name his great-great-grandson... Pseudonymous.

Oops, spoiler alert!

Well, that's all the stories I've planned!

Love you,
FearIsNotEvil ⚡

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