Another Extremely Important Announcement

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Hello! I'm not sure if anyone's reading this, but hello again!

So it's been a year since the previous part of this book, and there has been a drastic change of plans to how my life's doing because of the pandemic.

For those wondering about my college life, I did say last time that I planned to go to the University of Santo Tomas and also take the University of the Philippines College Admission Test. Surprisingly, I passed in both examinations (yay!), but for my fellow Filipino friends, you probably know Ateneo de Manila University. That's where I'm headed for now, and I'm not gonna cite some reasons why because it's a huge backstory. If after this pandemic you're in ADMU's area, hit me up!

About the pandemic, on the other hand, my family's doing fine so far. I'm a bit scared for my parents who still work full-time, but they're not as exposed to people as other workers (especially in healthcare) are. I do hope that healthcare workers are treated to their best as they treat their fellows to their best too. I also do hope that none of you have been greatly affected by the pandemic in different aspects such as emotional, medical, financial, and more. If you are, I hope I can help in any way possible; my message box is always open even though I'm rarely online.

Now, onto the real discourse of this evening: what happened to this account?

My final year in high school became too busy for me to process anything. It had wrecked me, I think, emotionally enough to cause me constant distress. I decided to use my alternative Wattpad account (GeneralEyes; if you're a fan of Smosh, go check it out) to write Smosh fanfiction on there. I started around February to relieve my stress there, and I'll be working on one final book (in the meantime) until the end of July after the one I'm currently working on.

But what happens to this account? What happens to the last three chapters of The Same Sound?

I don't plan on continuing The Same Sound anymore. I do not plan either to continue my other planned fanfictions.

I honestly believe my love for Fairy Tail has grown weakly, and even though it has taught me many lessons about friendship and camaraderie and all that, it has been really difficult for me to support an anime/a manga with so many opportunities wasted by unstable storytelling. I did mention it once on my Message Board that I get upset at how the storyline went downhill after Mashima had decided that all the ships were boxed, as if there were no possibilities of romantic attractions between other sets of characters. Sure, Natsu and Lucy are meant for each other as they are the main two characters of the manga and the anime, but the other characters had so much potential with the ones they weren't "assigned to."

One of these ships would be Grayza, which is probably the most shipped non-canon ship there is on Fairy Tail (I said probably). As you might have read on the Fairy Tail manga, Gray had already confirmed he was in love with Juvia, so Grayza (ever since Jellal basically) is no longer an option because 1) FT doesn't really kill major characters, I think the most major character deaths we got were people who were resurrected again (e.g. Mavis, Zeref) or not really dead (e.g. Aquarius), and from those who weren't resurrected, I'd say Simon, and he was in ONE ARC ONLY. 2) Assigned ships. Although my love for Grayza remains true and deep and I know fanfictions are just made out of fiction, I don't think I can keep writing what-ifs out of a ship that's never going to happen EVER.

Fairy Tail, I'd say, has fueled probably half of my entire high school life, but the storyline just goes downhill with everything that happens. It just isn't the same anymore. Sure, it ended, but now there's a sequel that isn't too far off from the actual timeline of the main manga, and most parts don't make sense to me to be honest. Bottomline: my love for Fairy Tail, though founded in a great passion for friendship, is no longer that bright.

So in short, I won't be writing stories anymore. I will be using this account however for some academics stuff, like writing down a bunch of stuff for class and all that which I do in the drafts by the way. If you guys feel like chatting, I am very much up for it.

For The Same Sound, I'd like to present the final storyline of the last three chapters:

For The Same Sound, I'd like to present the final storyline of the last three chapters:

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I am really sorry that this had to happen. It was a heartbreaking decision for me to finally end my works on this account, but I didn't want to leave without a final note or something like that. This has been one of the highlights of my high school life, and I'd like to thank all of you for being there, for reading my books, for supporting them, and for supporting Fairy Tail.

To Mashima, I hope that you give Fairy Tail the proper ending it deserves. Your creation has fueled others to learn how to create worlds out of nothing. I am grateful for it. Thank you so much and to your team.

For the last time, byeonara, minna. And this is how I'll leave: dramatically.


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