Lost Stars

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Hello, minna!

YAY! 1K on this book! Arigato!

Also, 1.1K on THA, 9.33K on Dramatically, and that's all.


From the latest part of this book, you noticed a little addition to the unpublished books.

Lost Stars is the title.

Guess the ship!

The setting is in X797, where our beautiful protagonists are eighteen. And, guess what?

IT IS A...


I've been reading a whole lot of RoWen fics lately. I'm in love with them.

And finally, Wendy's chest is at the normal size.

Lucy size, I mean.

Just kidding. In this book...

No spoilers!

But, it's official! To be published in 2015!

As for the other books, like Death by Darkness, Fairy Tail x Reader and A Man Named Gajeel... I'm not sure yet.

Lost Stars's title comes from Adam Levine's beautiful song. You should listen to it.

Current to-be-published-in-2015 fics:

Love, Lucy

Lost Stars

Well, that's all, minna!

Love, Leafa ⚡

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