An Extremely Important Announcement

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Hey there, minna! It's Leafa. I'm here with a very important announcement, and I'm not sure how you will be reacting to it, but I do hope you wish me the best.

So as you may know, we're in March, and probably in July, I'll be entering my final year in high school. College will most likely be the most difficult thing in the world, and besides, I also have many applications to sort.

I do plan going to the University of Santo Tomas (UST) here in the Philippines for college with the course of AB Journalism. My grandfather's brother (so basically my gruncle of the sorts, yes) took this program too, and he did well. Of course, many things have changed over the years, but I do wish I could do it just like him. In this family, we dream big.

Aside from that, I will be taking as well the feared University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) under the same program hopefully, and if I do pass, then we'll see what happens next. After that, Leafa is going to law school! We dream big.

Why am I saying these things? Why am I mentioning my long-term goals to you, my anonymous readers?

Well, I made this decision with a heavy heart, but we don't get to be alive forever. We don't get to write our stories with perfect endings, but maybe here in Wattpad, I get to write mine. When I finish The Same Sound, I will put Tragically off hold and finish it as well. After that, the Laxus x OC book that I may do while writing Tragically.

After that, for the third time, I'll be publishing Fairy Academy, and Leafa's leaving Wattpad. From where we start, that's where we end. And since by then I would have graduated high school, I'll write an ending that may be a bit similar to mine and close the chapter of my Wattpad life.

I joined Wattpad in June 2014, and I will be ending my Wattpad writing career in June 2020. And Mavis, I know it sucks a lot to leave the place I call sanctuary, but there are bigger battles out there that we have to face. Fairy Tail has already ended, and we cannot write storylines out of what has happened forever. It breaks my heart to make this decision, really, but as much as this has always been an avenue of opportunities, I think it's time for me to make a turn to the right side of this life.

Of course, I won't be deleting any of my stories. This account will always stay here as long as Wattpad stays alive, but I will no longer open it. The app, yes, will be on my phone, but since I do not read as much as I had read before, it may just be another app that I don't use in a couple of years.

Mavis, it really does suck. But as long as we still have time, let's make the most out of it, even if it quickens and hurts us a little. But Francis Drake did say, "From small things, great things." We started small, but look at us, ending greatly.

For now, I'll just finish this school year and finally get back to writing this April. I do hope that I finish TSS and Tragically within this summer. After that, it's go time for the Laxus x OC book and finally, Fairy Academy.

Anyway, I do hope that regardless of my decision, you will continually support me as we have supported one another and as we have supported Fairy Tail flourish from a small seed to a bearing tree. And maybe perhaps, we find home in its leaves as they fall in the direction of somewhere new.

Thank you, minna. I love you all very much, always beyond words.

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