Dramatically's Special Chapter

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But, apparently, someone ripped the thank-you message of my notebook and threw it away. The last time I saw it, it was in the trash can with critters were crawling all over it. Gross. *shudders in disgust*

Anyway, let us begin this beautiful, beautiful special chapter in Jade's POV. You will understand why it's in Jade's Point of View, aside from her being my OC.



Sometimes, fate plays with you like you're just a basketball to dribble. But, maybe, you're also the ball to shoot, not just the ball to dribble. You have another purpose in that game, and that is to make your team win! Like, 'Wooh, I was the ball shot by LeBron James and Dwayne Wade and other basketball players!'

But, maybe, that was just your fantasy. Maybe, you were just an extra ball in case it takes too much time to inflate the original one.

The twenty-five day trial is Tornado Requiem's very own way of eliminating certain people. In this trial, the selected people shall undergo through the city of time plus terror, Algeak, and try to stop or foil the dark guild's plans. Succeed or not, at the end of twenty-five days, five of the selected people would be annihilated.

Fortunately, I have been stayin' alive for years now. Every now and then, my friends get killed and I eventually succumbed to the pain, got used to it, and isolated myself in a safe, quiet part of this damned island. But, I guess, this one's real. I guess, Fairy Tail's gonna crumble if a member of theirs gets killed.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Laxus asked me, snapping me back to reality before realizing that I burned Wemdy's breakfast, "Hey, the egg's burnt."

"I'll just redo it," I answered quickly.

"Wait. Hand it over."

"What? Why?" I handed him the frying pan. He immediately tossed the egg in the pan up in the air before eating it, much to my surprise. "I like burnt eggs."

"Weird," I nudged him when I took back my frying pan.

But, damn. I was one of the people annihilated. I sacrificed my own life to free my friends from their life-absorbing shackles, and to not get Erza with her chaotic father. After all this time, I would get a small experience of death.

But, I found myself not regretting it when I arrived in a place full of mirrors. Freedom is worth dying for. In those mirrors, I didn't see any reflection. Instead, I saw people from the other side of the mirror. There was Jellal playing with a yo-yo, waiting for his time in heaven or hell boredly.

"Jellal!" I called out to him. He immediately noticed me and put his yo-yo back in his pocket.

"Jade!" he grinned before frowning, "W-Why are you here?"

"I... err, died," I mumbled, "It's kinda weird seeing you again. After all, you died."

"Says the one who died."

"True that," I laughed, "Where are we, by the way?"

"From what I know, we're here in the so-called purgatory. I read a book once, when I was still the so-called evil Jellal, and it was about the gap between heaven and hell."

"By Christian Smith? Yah, I've read that before," I nodded.

"Well, remember the part that Smith wrote? The one that explains the purgatory's purpose? He said that in the purgatory, you would think about your actions from your life. And, these mirrors would show us the sins we've made. I suppose, I can see you because I doubted you when you called me for help and I even thought you were a criminal, like me. Or a prank caller. But, what kind of prank caller would name their prankee Jelly? Meredy told me---"

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