Leafa-san's Awful Struggles: School

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Everyone hates it.

I don't hate the school itself, because I love my school. But, what I hate is the torture.



More projects.


Articles for the school newspaper.

More homework.


Long quizzes.

But, I don't mind many of those. Actually, being a nerd pays off when you're in a non-sectioned school. The worst part is my classmates.

We actually have several groups in our class.

The Cool - EXTREMELY PRISSY AND ANNOYING AS FUCK - Ones - They are this kind of people that are show-offs, idiots, mentally sick, extremely prissy, and are attention-seekers. They are also the kind of people you want to high-five, in the face, with a piano, made of steel.

The Ordinary Ones - I somehow like these people, because they're kind of better than the first group. But, what I hate about them is that they're too obsessed with their crushes and they always ignore you.

The Fake Friends - I actually thought they liked me! Idiots. They just talk to me if they need something. If I need something, they don't do it for me. Slightly less annoying than the first ones.

The Loners and Nerds - I am in this group. We're actually the bullied ones, and the first ones always make fun of us. But, no! It's horrible because you always do them a favor, and they don't! Like, man, I want to slap you but you think I can't do it because I'll be sent to the office. Last day of class, meet me in the dark, dangerous and hidden alley. I'll give you something you deserve.


But, once you try to cope with them, it actually works. Our super popular, super pretty class president actually thinks I'm awesome. I like her.

Anyway, that's all what I wanted to rant about. I love you all, good night.

Or morning.

Or evening.

Or afternoon?

Wherever you are.

Love, Leafa ⚡

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