Plans, Plans, Plans

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Hey, y'all! Just wanted to give you an update on what I'm planning to do with my current works. Here is a sequenced list.

- Finish Lost Stars. (around last week of July or first week of August, hopefully)
- Finish The Same Sound. (around last week of August or first week of September)
- Put Tragically off hold and update everyday. (after TSS is finished)
- Finish Tragically, which will be a LOT shorter than Dramatically because I don't have any plans for a third book. (around first or second week of October)
- Publish the Laxus x OC book. (after Tragically)

Anyway, you probably already know who the OC we're talking about in this book, especially Dramatically, Tragically, and Love, Lucy readers there ;--)

The list above probably won't be followed if everything in Senior High goes hella crazy, but this is just a guide so that I have it all planned out. But of course, I will still do my best to update on time!

It still feels really great to be back here, even though it's nearly been three years since the last time I wrote here. I think I went back just to finally finish Love, Lucy and put Tragically on hold (tragic, right). Now, I'm really excited to keep writing, especially because the course I'm planning to pursue is Journalism, but again, we shall see!

Thank you for all the support on Lost Stars and The Same Sound, it has been amazing! Lost Stars is going on a good run, and more conflicts stir up Romeo and Lily's way. Of course, Romeo still doesn't know who Lily truly is, but when the truth is revealed, every inch of his Quest plans might fall apart! Oh, no!

Gray is starting to become good at songwriting and arrangements, so good in fact that he's slowly finding his true passion in it. However, his father still wants him to inherit the company, and one big upcoming conflict in his life might actually make him agree...

So see you around, minna-san!


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