Finding Niall: part one

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Finding Niall: part one

"what do we do?" Louis asked, I frowned, what do we do?

because one, we don't have a helicopter.

two, our car broke down.

three, Simon Cowell is most likely going to kill me!

and four, Niall boldly Horan has been kidnapped.

I am officially confused, disorientated, confused and any other word that describes the world getting thinner and less enjoyable infront of your eyes, to sum how I am feeling right now in one word would be absolute crap.

"Lets just chase them" Liam suggested, but the pain on his face told me he knew otherwise.

The other boys looked just as distressed, Louis was staring into the distance yelling something incoherent but sounding along the lines of "why, world why" then "take the sheep instead".

Zayn was also staring into the distance and looked distressed and utterly worried, i wouldn't blame the poor lad.

Harry was siting on the damp group picking at the grass and placing it in a irrelevant pile to the side, and me? I was still standing there like a complete idiot.

I turned and faced the cavern that we came through and looked out to the farm yards that lay beyond, if this wasn't such a obsolete situation I might have taken the time to admire the purple Porsche that was currently...wait Porsche equals car which equals way out of this dump and way to chase down my sisters helicopter.

"Guys!" I yelled,

"Yeah" they all replied in unison,

"There’s a car out there!".

They immediately got to their feet and ran though the rock faces, to the road.

I followed behind and attempted to wave down the vehicle as it started its engine.

"STOP" I screamed, "Stop your car please!" the engine became quiet and a teenager about my age walked towards the boys.

She flipped a piece of perfectly curled hair over her shoulder and snorted, "hey your one direction" The boys nodded quickly and Liam was quick to explain the current situation to the girl.” so let me get this straight" she narrowed her eyes at me, "Niall Horan was kidnapped by a creepy little girl, who thought it would be fun to use her money to buy over priced helicopters?" Harry snorted in reply and we all followed her into her amazing and most likely mega expensive car.

"By the way my names Gracie, Gracie Love" Gracie smiled through the rear view mirror, I smiled back.

"My names Bethany Drummond and you probably already know the names of the boys, Gracie nodded in recognition.

"Not to be weird or anything Gracie, but why are you driving a Porsche in the middle of no-where? Gracie chuckled, like full on chuckled "I'm just taking the shortcut to work, go this way everyday and I saw your car and decided to check it out, you know incase someone was hurt".

Her accent wasn't British, it was this weird mix of Australian and American? I wondered where she was from, New Zealand maybe? I pondered this in my mind as we pursued the helicopter that was hovering in the distance, i could see the faint outlines of a village but I couldn't be sure of the actual size of the town.

We came further towards it and it became clearer along with the helicopter that it was more than just small, actually it looked more like a city than a village and yeah you guessed it! Brooklyn was there and she was waving…and smiling and yes, you probably also guessed their was no Niall because in actual fact there wasn’t.

Where’s Niall?, where’s Niall?, where’s Niall? My mind had been pondering this question for the last half an hour since we arrived in Riverton (A/N I don’t know if this actually exists) the boys were just as distressed and Gracie had to leave us so she could get to work on time although she promised to come back and check up on us after.

I talked to Brooklyn briefly when we arrived, but all she said was the classic Brooklyn saying ‘he’s mine and he always will be’ and then she ran, yes quite literally ran away from me and me being the dumb blond I am didn’t even consider chasing her.

     I felt if I chased her, I would be more lost than I already am and I would have left the boys to,          

     Which from experience would only result in fan mobs and uncontrollable chaos and the last thing   we want right now, paparazzi.

   The boys and I currently were sat at a small local park, trying and failing to devise a plan to ‘save’ Niall from Brook.

“we could just ring uncle Si?” Liam suggested, Louis shrugged and made the ‘go for it’ motion with his hands, Liam took his phone from his pants pocket and dialled Simon Cowell…what happened next was completely uncalled for and lets just say, I don’t think everyone will com out of all this mess alive.


i know its short! and I'm sorry but i uploaded this in a few minutes and word was being funny so...yeah sorry! please comment/vote it would make my day (: love you all! also Gracie is really important so don't forget her...>:D


(A/N picture on the side is Gracie!)

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