what if?

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The water was cold, but this was no time for distaste nor complaints. We had to rescue Niall the four remaining lads of one direction and I. We were wayding through the shallow waters of the coastal lagoon not to far away, or to close to the holiday home, where I'm sure brook was keeping niall. It wasn't to far away and the eerie glow in the distance, from a small town cast ominous and scary, creeping shadows onto the shollow water. They kept at our heels and bit at our toes -in our minds anyway- and served as a sad reminder of how little time we had left. In truth time may have already run out, Brooklyn could have a gun! Or much worst and poor innocent niall horan could already have seen the end of his days (however I must not think like that) tears began to well at my eyes. What if we were to late? What if this is the end? And I won't beable to have my perfect cliche fanfiction love? Did I love niall? Did I really love that boy? Stupid tense moment. I mentally whacked my head against a rock. Then I remembered I'd forgotten simon and Josh! What a wonderfully, great person I am! (Note the evident Bethany sarcasam). "Are we there yet?" Zayn questioned, I shook my head and pointed to where you could make out the lines of a beach house maybe about a mile of two away. The water was clogging up our boots and the steam was messing with our hair, much to zayns distaste, but we all continued on. I decided to voice my opinions on Josh later, and focus on the task at hand. The moon may have been up and the water was cold, but niall was in there somewhere and reaching him and making sure he was not hurt was our main priority. And I'd never thought I'd see the day when I'd be serious without being forced...

Niall's pov:

The back of my head throbbed in pain and my left eye hurt, it was probably swollen and purple. I had lost track of how many days it had been since I'd eaten or showered, even washed my hands. Brooklyn wasn't exactly the most sane person and even to me, who has seen fans, asking me to drink their spit, she was the most phscopatic teenager I have ever meant. Her footsteps or snores forever echoed through the house and every floorboard that creaked put me on edge. More so than ever and for once in my life, maybe because of Louis or any of the boys absense, I found myself without any witty comments to throw in defense. My mind grew numb as footsteps approached. The door following swiftly as it creapt open, the darkness was swallowed by light as a torch shone through the doorframe. "Niall?" A voice both melodic and not Brooklyn's echoed through the room following by soft footsteps. "Niall?" I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. No voice, or sound would hinder. I felt if possible more stuck, then torch light flooded the room and I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to the light. "O my gosh" Bethany whispered and looked me up and down, "you look horrible niall" then she pulled me up from the floor and into a hug, holding me upright in the process. When she pulled away her arms still rested on my shoulders and I found myself become lost in her eyes, she stared back at me before inching her face closer to mine, her minty breath soon tickled my face and warmed my skin, "nia-". "Niall!" Louis screamed and flung himself into my arms, "you look like you've been hit by the polar express! But I still love you!" He finished and ushered the other boys over and in the mist ruining Beth's and my moment...soon enough we were all in a group hug. It was like old times, untill spots started to cloud my vision and my body began to grow limp, then a falling sensation hit me and the world went black, not before though I heard Brooklyn's voice echo through the halls. "Who's there?"


I know its short! and I know I haven't updated in ages and I am truely sorry! I just wanted to see what it was like uploading from my phone! which will probably mean heaps more updates! there's probably about 10-15 chapters left. thank-you if you've read this far! love you guys!!!



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