a not so happy holiday

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Chapter 4: a not so happy holiday

The nest couple of weeks were the most surreal ones of my life, and that’s saying something if you count growing up in a super-rich family and been just about every place in the world and o yeah meeting one direction? Well you kind of get the picture.

My mum, sister Brooklyn and I had just spent several weeks on the Maldives, sunbathing, diving and my favourite way to waste time, shopping. Brooklyn whom was currently being a complete stuck up cow, to ever native islander on the way back to the airport, was my one and only sister and to put it as many would see her she is a complete b!tch. my complete and utter opposite and if we didn’t look alike, then maybe I would consider adoption, of her that is.

“Stop being such a cow” I hissed, “this is their home not yours”, brook smiled and glared in my direction, “I am the cow am I” she pouted, “Mummy Bethany called me a cow”. Mum sent me a glare through the rear view mirror, “Bethany be nice to your sister, please” she said I scowled and looked out the window.

It was beautiful, the island that is, not to mention the load of hot guys practically drooling at my doorstep. But every time I think about getting a boyfriend, I end up with the same solution, Niall Horan. I swear that boy has me under a spell and when I look past Harry’s consist flirting and I actually get to see Niall, he doesn’t seem to be a stuck up because I’m famous kind of lad. Like most celebrities appear, it would be nice to have descent conversation with him, if I ever get to see him again –or one direction- that is.

“Mummy are we there yet” brook whined, even though she could clearly see the airport up head,

“Soon hunny” mum replied, “it’s just up ahead, so put you glasses on please, we don’t want sun hurting your eyes would we dear?”. Brook smirked and me, showing she was the clear favourite, and there was no defining evidence to say she wasn’t, actually it was quite obvious I was just on holiday because dad forced me to come while he’s at home probably having another affair, with another woman. What makes it worst is that sometimes I wonder if brook even knows his secret and that and only that is the only time I ever feel something that even resembles sympathy for my sister.

“grab the luggage Bethany, brook and I are going to get the tickets”, I throw a fake smile and faint ‘ok’ mums way before she and brook strutted up to the airport, sunglasses and all and honestly I wish I was adopted because then I wouldn’t have to live in this hell hole, called my life.

“Flight 165 to London is boring and gate one” the speaker called, I grabbed my bag and walked behind mum and brook. “ticket please” I hostess smiled at me, I handed her the ticket mum gave me earlier, “thank you now please board the plane” she smiled and I returned it with my own faint expression. ‘seat 3a’ my ticket read, not a window seat, I huffed and sat next to a middle aged man. Of course I wasn’t in first class, no that would be way to expensive, only brook and mum got first class seats –even though brook couldn’t drink the champagne- just another small detail that show how neglected I feel –see the sarcasm-

My stomach dropped as I braced myself for take-off, my stomach throbbed along with my head. We soon came to cruzing altitude and I flipped through a magazine, ‘one direction’ it read, ‘are by far the most famous boy band of this generation’ and ‘have the talent and looks to go with it’. ‘we interviewed the boys on Monday and were very intrigued by the answers we got’. I read on until I found niall’s name, his read:

Q: do you have a girlfriend?

A: no, but I do have my eye, on a special girl out there.

My heart stopped, he couldn’t mean me could he? Stupid, snobby Bethany Drummond couldn’t have stolen the heart of a popstar. I stopped at that; do need to be silly right? And continued to read about how Kim kadasian does her nail’s, now that’s a interesting topic, I thought but in all truth all I could think about was niall and that stupid comment in that stupid magazine.

-Back in London-

“Have you finished unpacking?” mum asked, “I want you to take our washing to the Laundromat”, I huffed, trust me to do all her dirty work, “yeah, where’s the washing?” I asked.

“Downstairs, don’t be too long and brook wants to come” mum yelled just on queue brook came dancing down the stairs, “you ready” she smirked I ignored her and walked towards my car. “have you heard one directions new song?” brook asked, I smiled “which one?”, “live while we’re young” she concluded “sure have, why?” I asked, “because Niall gets a solo” she smirked, “and when I’m older I’m going to marry niall” she said. “is that so” I whispered pulling up to the laundry mat, “because won’t you have to meet niall to marry him?” brook glared at me, “no I am going to meet him and he’s going to love me and hate you because I’m pretty and you’re not” she smirked, “we aren’t going to even invite you to the wedding” I huffed at that while walking inside, brook trailing behind me like a lost puppy.

“Brook?” I questioned,

“Yeah” she replied,

“Why did you want to come?”

She started to answer, but my attention was diverted because just then I’m pretty sure, my five answers just walked through the Laundromat door.


thanks a heap for reading (: vote comment and yeah be happy because happiness is good............................... i hope you learned some more about beth's past in this chapter and trust me brook isn't who she seems, for better or worst :\ ~A

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