Finding Niall: part two

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Finding Niall: part two

Liam’s pov

“Hello uncle si” I smiled into the phone, no answer.

“Hello?” I said again, also no answer.

Bethany looked at me questionably, along with the rest of the lads. I frowned and made a ‘I don’t know’ motion with my fingers and the lads nodded in recognition.


“Hello Liam” I voice that was defiantly not Simons voice hissed from the other side.

It took me a few seconds to register the voice, which I decided belonged to the driver of the purple Porsche from earlier today, Gracie.

Gracie love.  

I gulped into the phone and Gracie let out a laugh, “I suggest” she began, “that you stay still and listen you little twerp, I have both Simon Cowell and josh divine held captive with me now-“

At that point I couldn’t take it anymore and turned towards Bethany, she had tears welling up in her eyes and put her head into Louis chest as he hugged her while muttering comforting words in her ear, I turned my focus back to the phone now seething with anger.

Gracie continued to rant into my ear inconspicuously for the next five minutes until she said something that caught my attention, “if you ever plan on seeing you precious friends again I suggest you pay up quick”.

I made another frowned expression and earned another round of concerned glances from the lads and Bethany.

“How much do I have to pay?” I asked Gracie and the mere feel of that smirk I knew was creeping up her pretty face made me squirm, which just under a hour ago I would have found mildly attractive. Honestly she was a very beautiful girl and even after only meeting her quickly I found an attractive tugging at my heart, but nowhere near the love I felt for Danielle.

“I don’t want your money” Gracie chuckled, “I want something way more value-“ I heard a smack from Gracie’s phone and Gracie let off a painful groan and then an all too familiar voice came over. josh Devine.

Bethany’s pov

Liam was taking forever on the phone and I started to worry, pulling myself out of Louis massive embrace I made my way over to Liam and sat cross legged beside him.

He hung up the phone and turned to face the boys, “we have a problem” he exclaimed and zayn let out a huff “no shit Sherlock” Louis poked his tongue out at zayn and motioned for Liam to continue.

“Other than Niall” Liam finished.

“Who remembers that girl from earlier today, Gracie?” Liam questioned, we raised our eyebrows and nodded in recognition, “well it turns out she’s more messed up than Caroline flack”.

Harry huffed at that comment.

“How so?” asked Louis, “well to start off she kidnapped Josh and Simon”.

The boys gasped and I could feel more tears well up at my eyes, this was all my fault, Niall Horan and now both Josh Devine and Simon Cowell have been kidnapped because of my messed up family and yes I say family, not only because of brook, but because this isn’t the first time I’ve come across Gracie Love.


“Bethany” Brooklyn shouted,

I grumbled and got out of the comfort of my blankets and made my way up two flights of stairs to brooks room.

Ever since she got sick, I’ve had to run round after her like a pack horse, with mother’s orders of course. I got to her room and knocked quietly on the door –not wanting to disturb the peace of sleeping beauty herself, even though she’s allowed to disturb mine.

“Come in betty” she laughed, I frowned when she called me Betty, worst nickname ever but walked in all the same.

I walked into her bedroom expecting her to be in bed ‘coughing’ or spluttering alone, but there was another girl in there and I studied her as I approached Brooklyn cautiously, after I assessed her as a minor (and probably not likely to kill me) threat, I asked Brooklyn what she wanted.

“What do I want, oh no sister I’m afraid you have got it terribly wrong, I don’t want anything but for you to meet our cousin Gracie”, I shuttered at her accent but smiled at Gracie, Gracie smiled back.

Just that smile gave me a lot of comfort just for the fact that I know my sister hadn’t corrupted her poor, innocent soul quite yet.

-End of flashback-

She what?” Louis screamed, harry had the same expression on his face but kept quiet and zayn looked like he was about to strangle kittens and I just sat there feeling very guilty, the boys discussed a plan off what information Josh had given Liam and I sat there quietly having my own mental conversation on whether I should tell the boys about Gracie or not, I was also trying to solve the puzzle of where Brooklyn would have taken Niall when it clicked.

Brooklyn was working with Gracie.

I know amazing right? You should give me an Oscar or Nobel peace prize.

“Guys” I all but screamed, “Brooklyn’s working with Gracie!” they looked at me and blinked, I earned a ‘no duh’ look from harry and Louis while zayn and harry just looked at me like I was stupid.

So maybe it’s not exactly prize worthy.  

“Oh”, I said picking at my nails, “I also know where niall and Brooklyn are”.


Sorry guys! I know this isn’t the best chapter :\ well if you’ve read this far I love you (: and I am really sorry about my lack of updating…so I think I might make a day once or twice a week when I will force myself to update! So if I write a sequel to this story would you read it, it would be about a relationship that’s going to arise later in the book ;) hint-hint. So comment vote, if I get five votes ill update tomorrow :D ~A

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