old habits die hard

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Filler chapter sorry!!!


Chapter 6: secret

Well it was no secret I hated my sister, actually if you go back a read the last few chapters of my life its plainly obvious, no sarcasm included.

“what the hell” niall screamed at Brooklyn, “you are seriously messed up” brook smirked

 “so what if I am, I thought you liked girls that way” niall sneered,

“Demi’s  not messed up”.

“Well then why did she cut herself?” brook questioned –she did what?-

 “stress” niall injected, “which by the way is none of your business”.

Brook approached niall and Louis became ready to move, “then” brook started, “why are you going out with my messed up excuse for a sister?” I saw niall flinch,

 “beca-because she’s twice the girl you’ll ever be” brook looked taken back,

“you mean she’s fat?” I winced,

“no because you’re a stuck up cow, and I would be swearing but there’s no need to waste words like that on useless pieces of trash such as yourself” she glared at him, but the other boys all had large triumphant grins edged across their faces,

“and if you, or any of your family come near my Beth again it will not end well”.

It took a moment for that to sink in, niall just basically asked me to live with them, them being one direction and also basically said I can’t refuse and assaulted my family all in one statement.

O how I love this boy.

“I shall now escort you outside this door” Louis stated and pushed a very surprised, stiff brook outside of the laundry mat, as well as all the laundry as I waved I realized all those years of pain and torcher of coming second best was pushed out the door and now me, Bethany Drummond can start a new carefree chapter of her life, with of course, one direction.

“you ready niall smirked” I pouted and complied, we finally –may I add- were going shopping, after all that strife the first time, I can finally get some new –unslobbish- clothes and what’s even better, I don’t have to pay.

Sadly old habits die hard.

The ride to the mall was silent, I felt uneasy and this other emotion, which I don’t really feel like sharing, until niall spoke.

“um Beth you realize, we are kind of going to have to date now, like if you know, like brook tells the world?” it sunk in the actual reality of the situation, the whole world will know now, or a the very least a couple of days, not to mention the boys management team –Simon Cowell-  and whoever else ruled their lives, as well as the fans who might as well try to kill me, because from what I can see all I have managed to do was dig myself into a massive hole and I forgot the ladder to get  out.


I know this is short :( but I write it in the school computer room……………….. I will try and update soon but exams are coming up and I am in the middle of study.

Also if anyone has any good ideas of what could happen in this story please tell me because I’ve got really bad writers block at the moment :( ~A

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