Finding Harry? and saving Josh and Simon

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Finding Harry and saving Josh and Simon.

I walked out of Louis and zayn’s dim hospital room and proceeded to the entrance.

I had left Liam to explain what happened and niall’s current state, I would have done it, but I still wasn't entirely sure myself, it was nothing but a vague and haunting blur of events, which I chose not to remember.

Niall was still 'asleep' and apparently was doing ok, which was good news. Probably the best news I've heard all day. He had just came out of the operation, and aside from a nasty know to the head and a dangerous amount of blood loss, he was ok and trust me when I see him (if I see him) again, I'm going to give him the sweetest kiss ever, while awkwardly hoping he feels the same way about me, because where my feelings are concerned, I like him, maybe even love.

I walked out the door and ignored both the fans and paparazzi’s questions before making my way over to the awaiting taxi. I decided the best place to find my physio cousin, was none other than Simon Cowell him self’s house. The drive there was quiet and I welcomed the silence, there was no hospitals, no fan girls, no reporters or rumour spreaders, it was complete and utter peace. I took the time to ponder over what had happened to me lately.

First I find Eleanor Calder’s cellphone, then was forced to fake date niall horan while becoming best friends with one direction and also losing my family. Not to mention finding out my sister and cousin were crazy loons, who desired nothing more than fame and fortune.

My life has major issues.

The cab driver pulled up beside Simon's mansion and I payed him, with a quick thank-you before stepping into the bitter air. The cold wind whipped my hair and sent shivers down my spine, along with the Goosebumps I got from being nervous, it was fair to say I looked hideous or worst, still what I looked like was the least of my worries as I walked up to the front door. Time to put plan, make up what to do as you save your friends, into action.

I opened the door. It didn't surprise me it wasn't locked, still it looked forbidding though, however I doubt much could lessen that fact considering the circumstances and all. I could hear faint noises, actually they were very loud breaths, and followed them along the pristine white wall and lush carpet, towards what appeared to be either a room with dwarf issues or a storage cupboard. It was probably the latter, but honestly who can ignore a dwarf room? Hobbit nerd much?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a gurgle and 'thwack' followed by a girls shout, guess Josh sorted out Gracie then.

"Josh" I yelled, "its Bethany!"

I had only meet Josh once, but he still knew who I was.

"Bethany thank goodness" he huffed through the door, before it literally, feel open infront of me.

"That was necessary" I laughed slightly and enveloped Josh in an awkward hug.

"So what happened here?" I asked, Josh frowned, "one minute she was threatening me with a frying pan, the next I knocked her out and that is currently where she is" he ushered behind him.

"And Simon?" I said, Josh made a funny chocking noise before breaking into a fit of laughter.

"I have losers to tell they are mad and winners to make famous" his words not mine, before he told Gracie, "he will give you endless riches if you let me go",

"And she fell for that?" I questioned amused, Josh merely chuckled, "yea-" a lock clicked.

"Wha-what?" I began but Josh put his finger over my lips.

"Gracie's just locked the hallway and bedroom doors" I widened my eyes, how did I miss that?

"Then how do we get out?" I stated, "days when you need, creepy sheep they're never there" I nodded my head as I mumbled the last statement, Josh looked confused, but carried on anyways. He pointed upwards towards a vent in the equally flash ceiling.

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