sheep, helicopters and random places

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  • Dedicated to everyone who is reading :)

Chapter nine:

What really annoyed me about the current situation was, surprisingly not the fact that we are lost in the middle of nowhere, but the fact that this stupid blindfold wouldn’t detach itself from my face.

“Hey Louis” I shouted, I couldn’t see the boys but I hope like hell, they hadn’t ditched my arrogant self and me.

 “Yes bethy” Louis said, I could here the smirk behind his words.

Note to self-put the blindfold on Louis after.

“Come and help me will ya?” Louis complied and pulled the blindfold of my face.

I looked around me, it was a baron wasteland to sum it up, there were no trees, no grass and no other life, if you discounted the sheep that was sending me random stares.  

“Pedo” I muted to myself, the sheep looked at me questionably but continued to eat some very, very dry grass.

“So um guys, where were we actually meant to be going” I asked the obvious question, that had been racking my thoughts all day, then I remembered I smelt the sea before.

But there was no water for miles by the looks of things.

“Cause I thought I smelt the sea” Niall grinned and pulled a small fan and water bottle from inside the van.

“This dear Bethany, would be the sea” I squinted at Niall and gave a death glare to the others.

“Totally not funny” I mumbled, Harry though a arm over my shoulder and complained about the heat, followed by a chorus of “I know rights” and “get over yourself” I for one was on the “get over your self” team.

I slapped Niall a high five, when harry let out a loud huff.

Guess we won then hehe.

“I am still wondering where we were going” I asked sarcastically, “ya know if ya tell me I might know someone (lies) who can help”, “liam gave me a woozy look and replied, “horse trekking, but we took a wrong turn” Liam glared at Niall, “and now the engines busted”.

I gave the boys a WTF look, and playfully kicked a stone towards the pedo sheep from before.

“So what do you plan on doing?” I asked while watching the sheep look at Harry, do sheep smile because I swear that sheep is smiling or flirting with harry.

“Wait it out?” Liam suggested, I shrugged, of course someone would find us eventually, and they were one direction after all.

I leaned against the warm metal of the car and stared continually at the sheep. Louis saw me looking a joined me in watching the sheep watch stuff.

“It’s a weird sheep” Louis commented, I agreed and focused back on the sheep.

“Do you like harry?” Louis asked, I spun around and looked at the Doncaster boy, “of course I like harry, half the girls in the world like harry” I finished my rant and tried to act oblivious to the fact that he was asking me if I like, liked harry, which was totally different to ‘liking’ harry as a friend.

Louis just smirked at me and looked back towards the sheep.

The problem was that I didn’t know if I liked harry, because I am meant to be dating Niall right? Honestly I didn’t know, I don’t even know if I would consider one-direction close friends of mine, because after all I only meet them a few months back. What if I did like harry? Well that would probably lead to major awkwardness and there’s that thing with Niall and all.

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