not what she seems....

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Chapter three:  not what she seems……………………….

Firstly I would just like to say, boys are idiots completely bonkers because currently they are falling for brook’s fake charm and to top it off those boys, are one direction. This bought me back to the conversation in the car earlier about how brook planned of marrying niall, it was all part of her sick plan of stealing my only friends –and zayn who I think still hates me- and keeping them for herself and to top it all off my only friends happen to be in the world’s hottest boy-band, yeah no pressure on my part eh.

“So...” Brooklyn said and twirled a piece of perfectly straight hair in between her fingers, “how do you boys know my sister”, I saw zayn scowl but the rest of the band smiled and my heart skipped a beat,

 “she found ell’s iPhone at the mall” Louis smirked “and then we all became friends” brook looked over at zayn, who was still glaring at me,

“that’s nice” she smiled zayn’s way “all the best of friends”.

“Um” I said, “why are you guys here?” Louis smiled,

 “because you invited us to this here Laundromat” I frowned,

“did not”;

 “you shore there” Liam smiled, “I can show you the message”. This was weird, really weird I honestly don’t remember sending Liam a message at all, or any of the other boys then I clicked, and the click started with a big fat B.

“brook” I sighed, “I know you wanted to meet them, but all you had to do was ask” she shrugged,

“I prefer to do”.

Prefer to do my ass, she never does anything! What a malicious little liar, taking away my life and putting hers into it is nothing new, but lying to her victims –ha-ha victims- is a new low even for her. “so your niall” brook purred and I resisted the urge to throw up, “I-I am” niall stuttered and moved away from brook’s prowling hands, “don’t move” she sneered throwing everyone off guard, “if I want you, I will get you end of story” I glared a her, no one talks to my friends like that, ever.

“well I don’t want you” niall sneered back, “Bethany’s way kinder than you’ll ever be and I only just met you!”, Liam looked intently at niall, obviously I wasn’t the only one who didn’t know he had that in him. “o shut your face” brook said and forcibly pressed niall against the wall –ever though her outweighed her by a lot- then she kissed him.

Shock took over niall’s face and he tried to push away, unsuccessfully may I add, Louis moved fast and pulled brook off him –but still, he didn’t stop the kiss- niall stood still and Liam hugged him reassuringly, totally a niam moment if niall wasn’t sobbing uncontrollably. Sure I knew my sister was a b!tch but I didn’t know she would sink this low, “I am so sorry” I pleaded looking niall in the eyes, “I had no idea you were going to be here”, niall smiled attentively from Liam’s shoulder and mumbled something incoherent and zayn to top it all off, smiled at me a true genuine smile.  Wow what a day.

Brooklyn pov

He’s mine all mine, he will always is mine.

I don’t care what stupid Bethany thought, no one cared about her anyway she was only a spanner in the works to disrupt me from getting what I really desired, in bed with niall. I kissed him, forcibly maybe but who cares, its only one of many kisses to come and if he thought I was good now, he better watch his back.

“What the hell was that for” Bethany sneered at me along with five death glares the boys were giving me it actually looked quite intimidating,

“Because he’s mine” I laughed back, “and he always will be won’t you niall?” niall glared and I ignored, he’s only making himself more yummy anyway with that don’t mess with me face of his.

“He is not yours” zayn said “because”,

“Because what I hissed?”,

“Because” zayn smirked, “he’s going out with Bethany”.

My face dropped, who the hell would go out with ugly, fat Bethany Drummond, whose mother loves me more, even if I was adopted and father doesn’t even care what she does –she could fall off a Clift and he wouldn’t give a crap- when they could go out with me, cute reliable Brooklyn who leaves Bethany for dead in every single judgemental detail of life, especially personality, Bethany has one of a dead fish.

“yeah I-I am” Bethany muted  and walked over into niall’s embrace, they gave each other lustful smiles and maybe I felt a tad jealous, but I wasn’t going to show them that, hell no!

“well then have good lives” I smirked and punched Bethany in the face.


vote and comment please (: next update could be soon......................or not so soon don't know ;) ~A

video on the side is bethany and brooklyn.................................................. not what she seems (dundundun)

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