I found Eleanor Calders cellphone at the mall

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Bethany’s pov

As soon as I arrived, I could sense something was out of place….

There was to many people in the mall.

Hundreds of boys and girls alike crowed around shops and beauty stands, waiting –very loudly- for the shops to open their doors.

Me, I was siting on a bench not attempting to go near any of the fuss.

Bustling lines crowed glassons and cotton on as teenaged s!uts eyed the boys with the broadest and most prominent denomina. Snobby, stuck up boys returned the girls lustful stares.

It was unusually busy, probably considering Christmases approach and people’s excitement to look the best for a Boxing Day feast.

 I was doing just that, buying a new outfit so I didn’t appear as a slob to my cousin’s etc. which is especially important when you come from a wealthy line of upperclassmen, not that I acted like one, not that I really wanted to be one.

I could have moved out of my families ‘modest house’ by now considering I turned nineteen a month ago, but my mother insists I stay at home and learn the proper way of behaviour.

A clock chimed, and the flood of teenagers entered their favourite shops.

I didn’t move yet, I would just wait out the Russ and go shopping later, I was quite content just sitting here for a moment and watching people walk past.

Eleanor pov

I pulled my hat further over my eyes and sunglasses; the mall was busy which gave me a higher chance of being recognised by a hard-core one-direction fan.

I could feel my hair slip out of the hat, but I kept walking fast. I just had to get to nando’s order niall his chicken and then I can go home and finish watching a movie with the boys and perrie.

I would have to stop and put my hair back up I thought, I could go to the mall bathroom, but there would be only a bigger chance of being realised.

So I decided to sit down on a bench amongst a bustling crowd, who were more absorbed in each other, than the celebrity’s girlfriend who was sitting unknown before them.

 I sat down, next to a blond about my age on a bench. She was watching her phone with intensity so I marked her as safe –unless she was twitter stalking the boys- I removed my hat and put the brown wisps that had drifted up my neck back into their original messy bun, I throw the hat back over my head and started to get up from the bench.

“O my god” a high pitched voice sounded,

“its Eleanor Calder” suddenly the bathroom sounded like a really comforting place.

Bethany pov

“o my god” a girl screamed and I looked up from my facebook page,

“its Eleanor Calder”

the girl sitting next to me flinched, and slowly stood up from the bench.

I eyed all the teenaged girls who had created a circle around us, and were snapping pictures on their phones and tablets.

Eleanor –I assumed her name was- eyed the girls, she was in the middle of a desperate escape and I could she it.

Obviously she was famous, but I hadn’t heard her name any where before, but I decided I would help her all the same.

“on three I will distract them and you run” I whispered and she looked down at me, fair prominent in her brown eyes, but she nodded in agreement.

“one” I whispered,



I stood up on three, and screamed at the top of my lungs,

“O my good its one direction!”

the whole mob turned their heads and ran in the direction my hand was pointing, Eleanor nodded at me and ran in the opposite direction, as fast as her legs could take her.

The mob and Eleanor soon disappeared and I mentally rolled my eyes, sure one direction were around the corner, I laughed and smiled.

Today suddenly didn’t seem so bad.

I got up from the bench and turned to face my handbag, a silver sparkle caught my eye and I looked over to where Eleanor was originally sitting.

A black iphone lay there sparkling away in the sun, I picked it up carefully and ran my fingers along its soft surface before turning it on.

The screen whizzed to life and I found myself staring at a picture of Eleanor and a boy with a amusing smile and tussled brown hair.

Her whole life was probably on this phone, so I knew I had to return it myself.

I don’t trust the mall security guards, who would most likely ‘never find a owner’ for it.

I sat back down on the bench and sifted through her contacts incase she had a back up phone, or home phone. When a number caught my eye,

Louis (boobear)  0971418726

I had heard that before somewhere, I knew but just couldn’t place my finger on it.

So I decided to call the number.

“hey babe” a voice chirped through the line,

“um I found this phone at the northern ma-mall” I stuttered back,

“ok yes that’s good of you to call” I could almost hear louis voice frown across the line,

“would you be able to return it to Eleanor?”

“sure” I replied,

“what address do I return it to?”.

I heard the boy mutter something, to another boy across the line before returning to the call,

“may I ask to whom I am speaking first” he asked,

“my names Bethany” I said “and you are?”

“louis” he said,

“well that’s nice” I muttered,

“can you please just tell me where to drop of the phone”

“yes, 27a Wakefield street, please I am sure el would love to have her phone back”

“ok I will be there in ten, bye” I said stiffly and ended the call.

I grabbed my belongings and grunted, I obviously wasn’t going to get ant shopping done today and headed out to the mall car park.

With a strangers phone and a strangers address racking my mind.


thankyou if you are reading this! (: please comment i would love to know whether i should carry on or not <3   ~A (: (: (:

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