At the mall again

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chapter, something I lost count: in the mall again.

I f I had thought the mall was crowded the first time, I must have been blind because now lets just say, it was not a good idea to throw five famous teenagers into the mix.

“you really shouldn’t go in their” I urged the boys, “its packed” niall and Liam looked thoughtfully at me, meanwhile Louis was telling harry to chase down a pigeon the Louis claimed to be ‘Kevin’,

“its not Kevin” harry pouted, “Lou you seriously have to get over him, it’s a lost cause lad” Louis returned Harrys pout, “bu-but” he stuttered “its Kevin”.

 I turned my thoughts away from Lou and focused on Niall’s thinking face, he shifted uneasily on both feet meanwhile smirking at the ground.

Wait, smirking?

“niall why are you smirking?” I questioned, niall smiled,

“I was smiling love”

“no you were smirking”

“was not”

“was so”



“KEVIN” Louis yelled and broke up niall and I’s fight.

That boy has to learn that there’s no Kevin, immature or not, famous or not for all I know Louis could be superman and I could be surrounded by the justice league –which is probable but unlikely-  and Liam could be Bruce Wayne in disguise –which is also probable yet unlikely.

“Beth” Liam questioned,

“yeah” I replied, the boys stopped and stared at Liam, it was like they had some weird mental connection, kind of like werewolf’s, but not so ‘evil monster coming to eat you’ kind of thing.

“um someone care to tell me what your thinking” I asked, Louis looked up from the ground and nodded,

“we need a distraction”.

An hour and five celebrity’s later we were in the mall, shopping at jack wills, “

I need this top” I squealed, “ooo look is only €300” which was reasonably cheap considering the shop’s label.

“I once bought some Nike high tops for €300” zayn said, “but they are to pretty to wear” I poked my tongue  out at zayn and continued to mentally squeal about the top.

“don’t you think its pretty Lou” I gushed,

“sure is” he mumbled back, “and it’s the last one”,

“is that I problem” I laughed, “were you planning to buying one for yourself, although I’m pretty sure it would no nothing for you curves”.

Lou looked back at me with a ‘no da’ look on his face.

“actually Bethany, it’s the one Eleanor wanted for her birthday and it’s the only one she wanted for her birthday” I saw the stress on his face when he said only and it made my heart cringe.

Like little acrobats were performing inside my chest.

“yo-you can have it” I huffed El deserves it more than me anyway right, because after all I am Bethany Drummond and I will buy another one after.

I reluctantly passed the purple silk top across to Lou and was enveloped in a gripping hug,

“I knew you would be kind, from the moment I met you” he said over my shoulder, I smiled in gratitude, being called kind was a foreign language, having Louis Tomlinson call you kind was a whole different dream, and to be honest, I liked it.

Louis made his way over to the counter, where a twig like Goth girl was picking at her finger nails.

“well she’s pleasant” Niall sung, I smirked in his direction,

“and your pleasant too” I replied sarcastically, really pleasant, he had no firkin idea how damn well pleasant he was, no sarcasm included.

“don’t be mean” he pouted,

“ok” I laughed, “how about we hit the food court then?”

Someone really should have warned me, because when you put Niall with food or food with Niall all hell broke lose.

“no more chicken for you, sorry Niall” I laughed, as Niall took another bite out of his bucket of fries chicken curtsey of Nando’s, “the more chicken the happier Niall” he complained.

The boys were throwing sarcastic smirks around the table, laughing once or twice about something someone said, or did.

 “So Bethany” Lou said, “you do realize you will have to see Brooklyn again right?”, I made a ‘no sh!t Sherlock expression and clutched my heart in mock horror, “no Lou I planed on spending my life savings on new clothes” I laughed in between bites, “and shoes and uh, stuff girls need”,

“Thought so” Louis smirked and took another bite of the very delectable peri-peri chicken.

“So about the living thing, you guys are still one direction and I am supposedly dating Niall,  so flat do I stay in?” I asked, to be honest this had been bugging me from the moment we had walked out of that laundry mat, not so many hours ago, what would happen to me after they went on tour, or even if its possible, even bigger and more brighter things. I am used to being ignored and abandoned, but for some reason unknown I feel connected to these boys in more ways than one.

“Niall’s” Zayn said like he was stating the obvious,

“unless you want to stay with me” harry winked, I stuck my tongue out at him and looked uncertainly around the mall.

I thought my life was perfect, well I had thought my life was perfect –as perfect as it could have been- and now, well what do I say I think its only just beginning.

And then the screaming began.


HELLO, first of all, I am super sorry I haven't uploaded in ages and won't beable to update for awhile, exams are next week and study is first priority :) 

thankyou for reading and may the force be with you :) comment and vote!!! i like to know what you think :D


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