Hostile Takeover

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Sorry this took so long I couldn't get onto Wattpad for a while. Please enjoy.

Crouched by the outer wall Violet waited, faint chattering and footsteps could be heard nearby.

"We should get in there what if something happened with the truck?" Louis asked nervously eyeing the gab between the barbed wire.

Abby sighed, "Look Harry is the best shot we have here we..." The woman suddenly paused and pointed at the wall.

The sound of several footsteps could be made out from the other side along with voices.

"Team C have you secured the greenhouse yet?" A crackly voice asked.

"We're on our way now, any news from the road block team?"

"Coms are down, just secure the area team C the boss wants the girl and if you see the swordsman Mike want the first shot at him."

The sudden rumble of tyres echoed throughout the school followed by a massive crash which shook the exterior walls.

"What the fuck was that?" A voice shouted in panic.

The voice over the radio popped and crackled to life, "Holy Shit! Armoured Vehicle in the main courtyard get here now all teams to the main courtyard now!"

The people on the other side of the wall ran frantically away leaving the group an opportunity to sneak in.

Abby lent against the wall and cradled her hands, "Come on, hop up."

One by one people climbed over the wall and landed somewhat quietly on the other side with a slight stubble. As the group on the outside of the wall thinned and only Abby remained.

"Shit how do you get to get over now?" Violet whispered the loudest she could without drawing attention.

Abby quickly dashed forwards and clambered up the wall like some kind of lizard, hopping off the end and landing softly on the floor below.

The group looked at her amazed, non of them could do that if they tried.

"What? I did rock climbing as a kid, it isn't that hard." She stated with a slight smug tone.

The group looked towards the main courtyard, loud gunshots echoed across the school along with frantic shouting.

The courtyard was more of a battle field than a courtyard, Harry and Andrew shot carefully from the cover of the riot van near the gate whilst the invaders defended the front of the school. A pickup truck with armoured sides sat in front of the invaders, a large metal structure was mounted to its bed.

"We need to get past these assholes and get inside before they do."  Violet stated looking for any kind of path through the invaders.

Suddenly a loud blast of radio feedback echoed through all the nearby receivers, this caused anyone near it a radio to keel over in pain. The painful noise stopped and voice began to call out.

"Hey! You, guy with the rifle and red hat."

A suppressed gunshot pierced the air and one of the men dropped to the ground, dead.

The nearby invaders ducked down behind the turned over benches.

"Who's next then assholes!" Harry called from the radio.

As Violet and the group watched the invaders return fire at the riot van they to began to open fire at the hostile force.

As they moved to avoid the incoming barrage of shots a path opened up, Violet was the first to notice.

"Quickly, go now get inside."

Everyone began to run towards the door, ducking underneath stray shots.

As Louis finally got inside Violet slammed the door closed.

All she had to do now was find Clementine.

Aaaah I'm soo sorry I'm bad at life and stuff more coming, sorry again.

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