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It had been three weeks since the trip to the lake and the oncoming autumn weather was growing ever present. Now with around 12 members of Texas Two they needed to start gathering supplies.

"So what do we need, and don't say everything give me something to look out for." Javi said looking over at the desk. Clementine looked around, searching through different notes and lists her and Violet had written. She looked over at a paper and read it quickly. "Basically anything on that list, oh and look out for people, we don't want any trouble off some assholes."
Javi looked at the slip of paper surprised. "Seeds?" He said with one eyebrow raised. Clementine rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
(A habit she had picked up from Violet)
"We have a greenhouse that we need to start using before the winter comes, you could get that list or go get clothes with me and Vi?" Javi raised his hands in surrender and made his way to the office door. "And you and Gabe stay safe, you still need to teach AJ baseball." She said before the door closed. Clementine let out a sigh as she lowered herself in the old headteacher chair. It had been a while since they had encountered Minerva and they hadn't seen any signs of her since. Clementine wondered if she had just decided to leave the area or that she may have died. Clementine's train of thought was broken when a quiet knock was heard at the office door.
"Yeah come in" Clementine called from the desk. AJ walked in and made his way over to Clem, giving her a little hug. "Hey Clem." The boy said smiling.
"Hey kiddo, what do you need?" Clementine said softly. "I just want you to be safe when you go out" AJ said sadly. Clementine looked at the child for a moment, she saw the growing concern in his eyes. "Hey it's ok I've got Violet and James to help me, oh.. and before I go is there anything you want me to look for whilst we're gone?" AJ though for a moment before grinning "Could you get Tenn some more colours, we ran out of blue yesterday?" She smiled and let out a simple chuckle "Sure thing AJ"

1.5 Hours Later

The walk to the nearest shopping mall took a long time. During the walk the trio had broken into a discussion on things they wanted or wished they could do.

"I don't know.. I guess I kinda want to get a tattoo" Violet said cautiously. Even though her and Clementine had been together for about three months now (which in the apocalypse is basically years) she still got nervous that she would say something that she didn't like. Clementine rolled her sleeve up and began to rub the burn in her arm "I've got this stupid thing... but I think you would look super hot with a tattoo." Clementine said confidently. "What about you Boy from the Woods, what do you want?" Violet asked playfully, James took a moment to think, he remained silent for about a minute before speaking again, "My Music." Violet smiled, "Hey maybe you could grab some records for the player, I'm sure Louis would love some inspiration"

They continued walking for a few more minutes until they found the beginning of buildings in the distance. Small businesses and homes surrounded the mall they wished to loot. Winter was on its way and resources were running thin. "Hey Clementine we should look out for some different clothes, you don't want to freeze to death in the snow." James said as they passed the corpse of a car. Clementine was silent, snow brought back bad memories: the first time she was shot, Jane, AJ being sick and Kenny. She looked down at the  old road, the barely visible paint in a line in the middle. However something was wrong the ground was covered in tiny parts of flesh, she couldn't distinguish whether it was human or walker but it looked fresh. As Clementine looked up she was both James and Violet talking, she smiled knowing that she had made a new friend.

"Is this place quiet or is it just me?" Violet said to herself as she looked around the dusty shop windows. She spied an old coffee shop that she could look in on the way back. But then something felt strange, Violet was usually sure about a gut feeling but she felt like she was being followed, she looked behind her to she the two others casually walking behind her. But then as she turned the corner she felt the feeling again, this time she looked around slowly, taking in her surroundings carefully, she analysed each window and car but nothing.
"Hey Clem, this place seem a little too quiet?" Clementine looked up from the floor "I guess, weird how there are no walkers, gues.."

She stopped talking as she saw him, a tall man in the middle of the road, he stood proudly and with confidence, his dark brown hair and thin beard covering his pale skin and damaged glasses. Over his shoulder a spear made from wood and nails, it's tip covered in both dry and fresh blood. His dark leather jacket covered in scratches and shallow bite marks, most noticeable a series of patches on his left arm. As she looked at him she noticed that Violet and James had also noticed the figure. Then the figure adjusted his grip on his weapon and raised his head, a lone grey eye met the group, the other cover by a playing card, then a quick smile.

"Hi.. I'm Harry"

Sorry this took a while to come out my account had some issues, new chapters will come out but due to Christmas I'm quite busy with family. Anyway I would like to thank all of you for the continued support, hope you have a good day.

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