The Forgoten War

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Quick Note: Please Comment on my latest Author Note on what story you want next, so far I've only had two votes so please leave a comment on that chapter. Thanks

For a long time the Delta has been at war, a savage and merciless and brutal faction who killed and stole without hesitation. After the sudden removal of their main rival this group began to explore and expand.

However there was one issue with this warmongering group. They weren't home.

Harry pulled out his map and lay it out over the desk. He pointed to a military base which was quite a far distance.

"Fort Blackwood, we checked it out after we met those people in the woods, it's a big place but when we checked in before we headed over here they were gone. Must have been 200 people there and then poof- Gone." Harry explained.

Clementine scowled, she knew that Arvo was close Bonnie and Mike were just a few miles from them and that was two months ago. "They could be anywhere by now, what makes you think they would be around here." She asked.

Harry dragged his finger down the map and circled a large area, "The only stuff around except for the city is north. We're north. And last time I remember the only nearby landmarks are the ashes of my old place, Delta HQ and this place... it won't be long before they find you."

Violet who was standing quietly next to her wife finally joined the conversation, "Why didn't you tell us about these guys earlier, you've been here for a few days now. How can we trust you?"

Harry chuckled, "To be honest you shouldn't, strange man with scars all over his face and a missing eye turns up at your gates with your supposedly dead ex-girlfriend, her new girlfriend and some guy with a bow and you let us in? Look I'm your best bet at getting this Arvo guy and from what I can understand you want him as dead as I do."

The blonde looked down at the map, "You said about 200 people. We're only just 70 and we don't have much in the way of weapons, what makes you think you can help?" Violet inquired.

Harry again moved hair finger and tapped on the shopping mall where his old base was located.
"There should be a key to the armour in my old place. If I can get that we're sorted." He said confidently.

"You didn't have much in the way of weapons when we first met you and the Delta probably took everything else." Clementine replied quickly.

Harry chuckled for a long moment, "You seriously believe that was all we had." The man laughed again. "Theses a group of storage lots not far from here. In one of those containers is enough firepower to kill an absolute fuck ton of people. I'm talking assault rifles, shotguns, grenades, body armour. Hell I even think we had a riot van, serious shit."

Clementine and Violet looked at Harry suspiciously, "How do you know this stuff is still here?" Violet questioned. "Yeah seems like it would have been taken a while back." Clementine added.

"Oh it's there, the place it surrounded by walkers, their fenced in, only way in is by covering yourself with guts and sneaking through, only way out is setting off a siren to lure them away from the gate.

Clementine took a moment to think, with Texas Two's current weaponry mainly consisting of knives, bows, spears and the lack of ammunition for the remaining firearms there was no possible way they could survive an attack from an armed group.

The leader sighed, "Tomorrow. I'll send Louis with you and someone else from your group."

"I'll come with. I know Louis can get a bit hot headed." Violet quickly added.

The Next Day, Not far from The Outside

"You never said you lead a group before." Abby said surprised as they slowly walked through the empty snow covered parking lot which lead or Harry's old base.

Harry looked up at the burned shape in the distance, "Yeah there's quite a lot you don't know about me."

"Like what?" The dark haired woman asked.

"I've never... kissed anyone." The scarred man blurted.

The group giggled and snorted slightly as they trudged through the snow.

Harry sighed with slightly embarrassment, "Look I was 14 when the world turned to shit and I'm no good at talking." The man paused. "You won't be laughing when you see my original set up." He said with a sly smile.

The group continued towards the burned down shopping mall until Louis ushered them to stop.

"Hey look there's tyre tracks here, and quite a lot of them."

Violet ran her hand across the tracks, "Their about a day old, they must be close." She commented.

Harry quickly stepped over the track and continued walking, "We won't get anywhere if you keep looking at the floor, come on."

As they continued walking Abby began talking.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was Minnie like before. I know what happened and I know what you had to do, Harry told me but what was she like before... before that group took her?"

The blonde's mind froze, she had tried to keep her out of her thoughts for the time she had been at Texas Two.

"Do you love her? Even though you know what she did." Violet asked with a singular and near emotionless tone.

Abby didn't hesitate to answer, "Yes. She isn't that person anymore, I've know her for over two years and she knows me."

The blonde paused, "She didn't like killing walkers." She said quietly before walking ahead.

As they entered what remained of the perimeter wall Harry groaned, "Welcome to The Outside... home sweet fucking home."

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Sorry it's a bit short. Hope you enjoyed.

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