Who You Were

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Violet couldn't believe what she was looking at, it had been over two months since they had last saw her and last time she tried to kill them, but now she saw her she felt an anger awake inside her, she quickly disconnected hands with the brunette beside her and made a fist. She could feel the anger slowly rising inside her, Clementine had lost her leg due to Minerva's actions.

Flashback to The Bridge

The loud moans of walkers grew closer as the four of them took cover behind a dilapidated truck, gunshots fell close to their heads. The gap between the bridge was too exposed to cross whilst Minerva had them pinned. As the blonde looked around in attempt to find a method of escape she saw Clementine, bow in hand, ready to fire at the redhead when she showed herself, she was covered in that much walker blood that the dead and even Clementine were convinced she was one of them, the only difference being that she was armed with an axe and pistol. "AJ,Vi,Tenn you need to jump now or were all dead!" Clementine called as she continued to fire arrows into the herd. AJ and Tenn both jumped across with a little help from Violet, but when she went to run up she felt a cold hand grip her leg, a deep fear entered her heart, her breath had died and before she knew it she could see the decaying face the hand was connected to. Violet didn't know what to do, when she was armed she didn't care, she always got out fine, but this time she needed help "CLEM!" She shouted, Clementine turned with a great speed and immediately rushed over, she had lost her knife so she resulted to the next best thing. She planned her boot firmly into the weak and brittle limb, successfully detaching it from its body. However the reanimated corpse was still moving and the bite it had intended to use on Violet foot had now placed itself onto Clementine's leg. Clementine looked down at the blonde and offered her her hand, when both girls were back in their feet they jumped.

Flashback End

That was the last time anyone had seen Minerva.

Clementine was still thinking, why had she come back, where had she been all this time. "Why are you here?" Clementine asked calmly, Clementine's tone took Violet by surprise, she was used to the more badass and ruthless Clem. Minerva took a moment to select her words carefully, unfortunately she couldn't think of anything. "I'm really sorry, I...I don't know why I did those things, I just want you guys to know." She said, she only wanted them to forgive her but she doubted that would come easy after who she was. "Please just let me go, Sophie must be worried." Violet took a moment to think about what she just said. "You killed Sophie, don't lie to us again!" Violet shouted from the other side of the gate. Minerva hated to see Violet angry at her, it wasn't uncommon for her to be slightly upset with her prior to her 'disappearance Violet didn't like how Minerva treated her, she made her feel small and petlike. Clementine broke her silence, "Well if you truly are sorry and Sophie is alive, bring her and a symbol of your apology to us and I might just let you stay, if I see you again and you don't have them I'll let Violet take out her emotions on your corpse" Violet was initially shocked by what Clementine had said but eventually understood that she was trying to scare her. However Violet still didn't like the idea of the redhead being back at the school, she had lied last time, how did she know she wasn't going to this time.

And with that Minerva turned around and walked back into the forest.

Two Days Later

"No I'm totally serious if you could have anything in the world right now what would you have?" Javi asked. The group were sitting around the campfire, it's low flame illuminating the area, everyone sat in pairs, except , from Gabe who was busy teaching Tenn, Willy and AJ a card game. Louis and James sat on the sofa awkwardly in attempt not to break the secret of their new relationship. Clem and Vi ad cuddled in s blanket at the base of the sofa, Clem's new leg sitting to the side in order to give the girls a more comfortable experience and Javi and Kate who sat next to each other on one of the few chairs that they hadn't burned and Ruby and Aasim on the floor next to the fire. "Oh easy. Chicken Nuggets." Clementine said. "Why chicken nuggets and not something cool like... a new car?" Javi responded whilst looking at the old van they had taken for New Richmond before it collapsed, the van sat comfortably next to the big gate. Clementine smiled and looked at her girlfriend lovingly "For Vi... on our first 'date' she mentioned that she liked them." Violet felt her heart melt when she said this, someone who had lost so much would do something so selfless when she could have used it. Violet didn't know how to react other than to gently kiss her. After a few seconds she could feel Louis smiling behind her and stopped. "What can I say I love chicken nuggets"  Violet said as she looked back at the group. "Ok Clem your turn to ask a question." Louis said from behind her. Clementine took a moment to think and then began to speak, "Aasim if you could change one thing about the world what would you change?" She looked over to see Aasim confidently smiling,"Nothing, in my opinion this is far better than school or work and I know that we all live in danger but at least we aren't bored." Everyone took a moment to think, Violet was first to speak up, "Yeah... I totally agree, if it wasn't for the end of the world I probably wouldn't have met you Clem and I wouldn't be happy." Yet again the two girls found themselves staring into each other's eyes, Clementine entranced by Violet's green gems and Violet trapped in Clem's golden pools. "You two get a room before we all have to look away." Kate playfully said from across the flamepit. "Doesn't sound too bad to be honest I'm super tired." Clementine said fake yawning as she looked at Violet. Violet blushed for a moment as she hid her face behind her hair. "Yeah I could do with an early night." She said shyly standing up. Violet helped Clementine up and gave her some assistance reattaching her new limb. They waved to their ragtag family and began to walk over to the dorms.

The door burst open, Violet and Clementine furiously making out as soon as they entered the room. Violet kicked the door closed behind her before the brunette pushed her against it, the built up tension between the girls releasing as their tongues intertwined. As the energy inside of Clementine grew stronger she began to move her mouth slowly down the blonde's pale neck. Violet recoil her head slightly exposing more surface for Clementine to mark with a series of love bites, as she did this the blonde let out a string of quiet and soft moans as the brunette reached her sensitive spots. As the situation grew ever more intense the two girls began to separate to toss their clothes away, when suddenly the brunette stopped and watched on as the blonde undressed, she felt the grin grow in her face as she got to her underwear and then the blonde looked up slowly. Clementine didn't mind that she was caught staring, in fact it gave her a chance to full admire the blonde. She reached behind her and went to remove her bra when their was a sudden bang at the door. Both Clementine and Violet frustratedly looked towards the door. Clementine who was still wearing most of her clothes went to answer the door.

As she opened the door slowly she was met with an unexpected face. "Oh..Um hi Clem.. I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Gabe said a little startled as he noticed Clementine slightly messy hair and clothes. "What.. no.. what do you want Gabe?" Clementine said frustrated looking over Gabe's face, he had slightly longer hair and some thin facial hair, a noticeable scar that was hidden usually by his hat. "Kate wanted to know if you and Violet wanted to go with her, Ruby, Louis and James down to the lake tomorrow to freshen up a little?" Clementine thought for a moment, a day at the lake did sound nice and a good walk would help her adjust to her new leg. "Yeah tell her it sounds good." She said as she quickly closed the door, however when she turned around Violet was back in her regular clothes and sitting in the edge of their bed. Clementine frowned at went to speak but Violet interrupted "We will continue this tomorrow, hey the lake will get you wet and prepared for the night." She said in a flirtatious tone.  Clementine walked over and got into the bed and placed her head over the blonde's chest "Yeah, sounds amazing."

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