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Harry and Andrew

"What... the... fuck?" Harry said clutching his side in exhaustion. The burning tornado of the dead and the place he called home stood ahead of the pair.
"We should go it isn't safe. People would have escaped." Andrew said clutching his bow. The horde that had formed burned as they trampled through the once peaceful Outside.
"No... I promised these people that I would help them and the twins will get the new people back the one with the long hair has got some fight in her."
"Ok then, so what do we do, standing here isn't going to go anything?" Andrew questioned
"What we do best. Blend in." Harry responded running towards the crowd of undead. "Oh perfect, because this always works." The blonde haired man said as he began to run towards the horde.

Ten Minutes Later

On the floor in front of them lay dead reanimated corpse. "You remember how to do this, don't you?" Harry said kneeling next to the cold remains. Andrew sighed and drew his knife and plunged it into the soft decomposing belly of the walker. "You know the time..." Harry added
"The time I shot your eye out?"
Harry smiled "yeah that's it. Thanks by the way you saved my arse and came up with this tactic."
Andrew looked up from the corpse and gave him a stern look.
"Bad time?" Harry asked
Andrew nodded and began to smear the contents of the body over his chest and arms. Harry did the same until both people were completely covered.

"Time to die old friend." Harry said as he looked over the horde. Andrew let out a sigh. "Do you have to say that every time?" Harry chuckled and drew his weapon. "Yep. Now come on we got people to save and people to kill."

Three Hours Later

"How many you got left?" Harry shouted to the people behind him.
"Four." Andrew said
"Two!" Red answered
"One." Jack replied
"And I have a fucking spear. Well then let's show these pricks a show." Harry said as he kicked in the door.

Twenty Minutes Later

"Who are these guys,New Frontier... Delta...?" Red asked as he searched the now empty store room.
"Not sure, I'm not really up to date with my apocalypse politics." Harry said tightening the bandage around his arm.
"Well we've lost Jack and this place is about to fall down if we don't get out NOW." Andrew said pulling his bow over his shoulder.

An Hour Later

"Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Cock! Ahrrr." Harry shouted as he ran clutching the arrow in his side. "Look we need to stop and patch you up I got Red's pack before they snatched him, he had some stuff I can use." Harry slowed down and leant against a near by tree. "Work you magic medic man." Andrew opened the bag and grabbed some peroxide and bandages. "Look man this is going to hurt like hell." Harry chuckled painfully, "and what, being shot in the arm, having an eyeball removed and getting two fingers cut off didn't?" Andrew laughed quietly, "Even on the brink of death and your being sarcastic, you never changed." Harry laughed again and clutched his side, "Me? Nah I'm no were near dead yet."

Andrew made his way over to his injured friend, "Hold still or this is going to kill you." He said as he snapped the end of the arrow off at the back. "I'm guessing this is the bad part?" The one eyed man said as he looked at the head of the arrow sticking out of his side. "One of them." Andrew said sympathy as he got a firm grip on the arrow.
"On three."
With a swift and painful motion the remainder of the arrow shaft was removed from his side.
"Fuck... did you teach that guy to shoot or did he have my eye?" Harry joked through the growing agony. "Ok now here comes the really bad part." Andrew said bottle in hand. Harry looked at the bottle then down at his wound. "Do it." He said sternly.

Some Time Later

"Ok, they said old school didn't they?" Andrew asked as he helped his friend walk. "Yeah shouldn't be too far... remember that time we found that beer in an old kindergarten?" Harry said drowsily. "Yeah, must have been some crazy toddlers." Andrew commented as they walked on. "We best hurry or we'll get stuck out here in the dark and I've done enough dying for one day." Harry added as he began to limp at a slightly faster pace.


"Looks like the place." Harry said as he pointed towards the vine covered brick walls. In the distance many voices could be heard talking.

"Hello? You guys there?" Harry said loudly as they approached the gate.
From atop the watchtower Louis saw them, "Stop! Who are you guys?" He said demandingly. Harry clutched his side, "Is your friend with the baseball hat in there, what was her name again... C..Cl.. Clementine?" He said slightly unsure due to the mess that he had been through in the last few hours. "She's busy." Louis replied sternly.
Harry sighed. "Look kid I've just lost my home and all my friends but one and I gave your people my shit because I thought you guys were potential new friends. Now I don't think I have enough energy to sit out here until she's ready and at this rate I'm going to literally bleed out on your door step."
He paused for a second and stared at Louis with his one eye. Suddenly the gate opened and Clementine ran out.
"Harry, Andrew? We thought you guys died." Clementine said as she saw them.

Harry looked up and smiled. "We're sorry to disappoint."

New chapter for some new characters, hope you like them, we now have some drama to deal with AKA the twins.
Anyway hope you guys enjoy, sorry this ones a little short I just didn't want to irritate people of they don't like these characters.

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