Two Steps Back

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Violet's eyes flickered in the sunlight as she awoke from her sleep, her mind hazy and body limp . "Wow, how tired were we, we fell asleep outside." She said to herself quietly as she rubbed her eyes. She blinked a couple of times to adjust to the light and looked around, the fire that they had surrounded the previous night was now a low smoking pile of embers, to her surprise the people who surround the fire were no longer there, even Clementine was missing.

"Did they seriously leave me out here?" She said to herself as she stood up. The blonde walked slowly towards the nearby admin building to find her friends.

Violet immediately walked up the stairs, she knew that the music room would be full of sleeping people and she didn't want to disturb everyone this early.

As she got closer to the door she noticed the unusual lack of noise coming from the office, usually Harry would play some records or there would be the sound of a discussion, however no noise came.

She tapped lightly on the door but there was no answer, she shrugged and pushed the door open, the room was in its usual organised mess however, both Harry's Axe and Andrew's Bow were both resting next to their owners beds.

Violet walked over to the desk and sat down in the large chair. She sighed heavily and placed her feet on top of the desk. She scanned the room but found it difficult to concentrate , old certificates now piled in the corner of the room, Willy and Mitch's old graffiti and the engraved name of the offices former owner. Violet muttered to herself as she thought of the traitorous former leader. Moving her legs off the desk a small note pad fell from underneath it, Violet picked up the strange notebook and flicked open the first page in hope to see if it had any clues to were anyone was.

The End of the World: Year 8 or 9 or something, if your reading this... I don't care-Harry

How old am I now, 21,22? Fuck what I lost the eye in the second year of this thing and I was what? 16 then, guess it's not all bad, I look cool and this Texas place ain't too bad, run by some kids, the leaders are pretty cool, let me and Andrew stay in there office and the have music so I'm dandy, just hope we don't have to leave, after The Outside and the arrow to the side I could use a win.

Yay! I LOVE not being able to ever sleep, currently on watch or patrol, whatever they call I've learnt some interesting things like the lesbians are super loud, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear them and try not to make a stupid joke about it tomorrow. On another note spoke to one of the twins, Sophie, she told me about some guy who used to live here, apparently he was killed relatively recently, it's a shame apparently he shared my passion for explosives.

The next page was specked with dry blood and the handwriting was shaky.

If I get shot or kidnapped again I swear to god I'm going to bite someone, those Delta punks locked me in a dark room for killing one of their guys during the raid, escaped when the guy turned to leave after the escape started, trusty old boot knife hasn't failed me yet. Got shot saving some of the others, I'm pretty sure at this point I'm gonna get me and Andrew killed trying to save someone.

Red how I have missed that ginger devil, best inventory management man there is, I was surprised he survived all the shit that went down at the Outside.

IKEA, what a good idea past me, New Frontier may be scattered but they still have the guns to start something, crashed into a tree and left the normal signals, found an old RV, turns out these two women live in it. They were both pretty chill, one with the blue hair had some cool shit, the other one was a bit quiet but got talking after a bit. Got cut short when a small herd surrounded us, then we got cornered by New Frontier, left me with their car and a few new scars.

After almost 7 years he now decided to show his face, Ive known him for 11 years, I know him better than he thinks, he's been following us, waiting. Damien, the only person he could send that I would notice.

The writing stopped, Violet flicked through several pages of strange, dark doodles until she reached another page of legible writing.

Don't think we have long left, if I know Frank he'll be here in a few days. Still not sure how I'm going to tell Clementine or Violet, last thing we need is them thinking we're a part of those sick fucks.

The blonde stood up and walked over to the balcony, leaning on the old banister, she felt slightly strange from reading what was essentially Harry's extremely strange diary but the last few entries made her think, what was it he was hiding. It was then she looked up from the notepad and out at the courtyard, the guard tower was empty and the gate wide open, crawling around the grounds a bleeding body. "Shit!" She exclaimed turning and running for the door.
She flew down the stair and burst through the doors.

Rushing towards the body she noticed a fair sign of life, the woman wheezed heavily. Violet crouched down at a distance and looked down at the person. A strange arrow with dark feathers lodged in her back.
"In the forest... they took them in the forest." She spluttered, taking Violet by surprise, "Wait here I'll go get help." But before she could turn to get help a hand gripped her foot, "No... it's too late for me, they took them... into the woods, just... just don't let me turn." She grunted. Violet knelt back down, a frown on her face, she grabbed the knife from the woman's belt and held it in her hands. "I'm sorry." She whispered and slid the knife into the side of her skull.

Violet sighed heavily and stood up. She grasped her weapon in her hands and walked towards the opened gate determined to find her loved ones.

Closing the gate behind her she scanned the floor for any trace of human life. The dusty dirt leading to the woods was disturbed as if something had been dragged through it.

Violet followed the trail into the forest until she found herself at the ruins of Lily's boat.

The old boat lay beached on its side, the decomposing remains of its former inhabitants sprawled across the sand.

Violet continued to follow the trail, as the trail approached the boat the air became eerily silent. She stepped closer, water splashed against her boots.

"Stop... Please help." A voice called in a panic.

"Hello? Where are you?" Violet shouted.
"I don't know, I can't see! Help!" They called out again, Violet looked to see where the sound was coming from within the ruins of the ship.

Violet walked into the shallow waters of the ruined ship, carefully navigating the watery wreck following the constant calls from within until she reached a room where the sound seemed to come from.

Covering the door was a thin sheet, behind the fabric she could see the shadow of a person. "Hello." Violet called out, but there was no response. "Hello?" She called out again, shuffling forward towards the sheet.
Violet again called out but was met with silence.
She stepped forward and moved the curtain out of the way.

Sat in the centre of the room was Aasim. He was strapped to a chair, his head slumped down and duck tape plastered over his mouth.
"Aasim!" Violet said rushing over, however as she ran through the doorway a wire caught around her leg causing her to fall forward and hit her head against the harsh metal floor.

Moments later Violet's eyes flicked open, everything was dark, a sinister chuckle radiating into her head as her heavy head dragged along the ground.

"Well this is going to be interesting." The voice said quietly, "I wonder what they will choose."

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