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The cold wind howled through the forest and a colder presence stood inside. Torches illuminated a clearing in the woods, a gang of brutal savages stood armed with harsh, crude weapons stood around the camp.

"Wake up boys and girls it's SHOWTIME!" He yelled

Clementine shook at the horrid voice, she was surprised that she had slept at all after what had happen during the night.

She looked forward and shivered in the breeze, her bare chest near frozen due to the nighttime wind. Looking around she saw the others in a similar position to her own: knelt down, hands tied behind trees or poles and their upper body's exposed nature.

"Nice to have you all here, now we can begin." The man said, Clementine kept her head down, she did not want to face this evil.

"You don't know me but I...I certainly know all of you. I have to say, nice job on defeating the Delta, the bomb was a nice touch... oh and congratulations to the happy couple, What was it they used to say at wedding, till death do us part..." "You sick fuck!" Javi yelled, Clementine turned to him. "Oh your an angry one, now SHUT UP BEFORE I BEAT THE KIDS HEAD IN WITH YOUR OWN BAT!" The man yelled.

Javier recoiled like a dog being punished by his master. Clementine looked around in search for Violet, to her surprise she was just to her left, her head still sunken. "Violet! Violet!" Clementine whisper yelled to her wife. She waited for a response, as she waited the scanned her body in search for any damage that may have been inflicted upon her. She noticed no damage on her perfect body other than the scar of the bullet wound. She sighed in relief which drew the attention of the man.

"Now you." He said "Look at me." Clementine lifted her head to face the man, his face had multiple scars, the most noticeable was a long gash that started at the side of his lip and ended halfway up his cheek.
"You are a waste, your flesh is no more than scar tissue and your leg makes you weak, but... you can still serve a purpose." He said.

The man continued walk, whistling as he went on, stopping in between Harry and Andrew who both seemed slightly battered and both still unconscious.
He lent down a thrust his fists into their stomachs.
"Ow..." Harry sighed and lifted his head to meet the man. "Sorry, must have dozed off, I don't get much sleep these days. Anyways, Calum old buddy... nice to see your still sporting the scar." Harry said sarcastically. The man chuckled and raised his fist, planting his hand in Harry's face. 
"Guess I deserve that." Harry said.
"You deserve a world of pain, you tried to kill me, you shot Decon and then you tried to kill me... but you didn't, all you did was give me this and then you ran away." The man said pointing to his scar, his voice shaken with anger. Harry scoffed, "You and your little band of crazy set a pack of the dead on us, tried to cut of my arm then when I tried to cut your jaw out you shoved Decon in my way." Harry said, his voice growing with anger.

Clementine watched on as the two argued, her attention more focused on the knocked out blonde to her side. "Violet? Violet? Vi?" She whispered.
After several attempts she awoke, "Clem!" She said as she jolted up. "Vi, I'm here, It's ok." Clementine said. Violet turned her head to face Clementine and sighed with relief, "I thought... I thought that..." Violet was cut of by a looming shadow thar blocked out the light from the near fire. "Sorry am I interrupting something?" Calum asked. Clementine and Violet remained silent as he moved closer to the blonde. "Your all going to die here, the ginger, Aasim, the one armed guy, the family, Harry, Andrew and you. But I'll leave you last so you can watch me carve your little wife here into steaks."
Violet shuddered under Calum's harsh breath.
"Nah, when I die there'll be music!" Harry shouted, the man shook his head aggressively, "Right that's it... I'm taking her legs, you just had to make me take her legs." He said to himself.

The man pointed towards Kate, one of the many people surrounding them walked forward and untied Kate, dragging her into the centre of the clearing. Everyone yelled at them to stop but the hulking cannibal continued to hold her down as their leader walked over, twiddling Javi's bat in his hands.

"Now this is ironic." He chuckled as he stood over a squirming Kate. "You don't have to do this!" Gabe yelled. Calum gripped the bat firm in his hands, Clementine couldn't watch and looked towards her love, both looked at each other as the screams of pain erupted from Kate. Clementine flinched at the sound of it, the screams echoed through the trees like a dinner bell to any dead who roamed inside it.

"Look, look at what you've done." The man shouted, Clementine quickly looked over at the centre then back again, Kate lay on the floor, unconscious, her right leg mangled and twisted, blood squirting out of it. Cries of terror filled the air again as others looked on.

Calum looked over his captives, "Now it's your turn. What? Where are they, where the fuck are they!" Clementine looked over to where he was pointing, the three trees were Harry, Andrew and Louis were once tied were empty. "Where did... oh. Ha, fuck." He said in realisation, the other people looked around confused, "You two, find them!" He yelled at some guards holding spears. The two people nodded and walked into the forest.

"Now my little play things, we have some other things to do but first I need..." Calum stoped, "Do you hear that?" Clementine listened carefully, a noise rumbled in the air, masked by a a faint tune.


Hope you enjoyed, love seeing your comments and ideas.

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