Become One

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The sound of a distant car no longer brought fear and sadness but now hope; after a quick radio call Louis had asked if Christa, Javi and his family wanted to visit for the celebrations. Harry and Andrew were pleased to hear that some of their friends survived the Delta attacks and were taken to their compound.

"Hello? Were here." Javi called out from his car, an excited AJ poked his head over the wall and smiled, "Coming!" He yelled running towards the gate. Rushing out the gate AJ jumped at Javi, "Come on, come on, they're going to be so happy to see you!" The excited boy yelped as he pulled on his arm.

As the man followed the child both him, his family and Christa were extremely confused, one of the main factors that Louis had left out was the fact that Violet and Clementine were getting married, the most he mentioned was that there was an important meeting. "What's up, what did you guys need?" Christa asked. However the boy responded with more exited "Come on's"

Bursting through the door the group of was met by a bright and brilliant room which was full of life and music. There was dancing and laughter, the sunlight bursting through the windows like rays of hope.

"Hey you guys finally made it!" Clementine said with a smile.
"What is all this, what's going on?" Christa said with a surprised expression.
"I'm getting married, Louis told you." She said slightly puzzled
"What?" Gabe exclaimed.
"Holy Shit Clem!" Said Javi
The other two did not speak, Kate stood and smiled wide, whereas Christa pulled Clementine into a quick hug. "To think last time I saw you you were a kid, now look at you; all grown up, a strong young woman... Lee would be really proud of you." She said, a small tear rolling down her face.
"Thanks, that means a lot to me." Clementine said with a soft smile.
"Anyway, get settled in, we're about to begin."

A Short While Later

"You ready for this, big moment just around the corner?"Kate said placing her hand on Clementine's shoulder. Clementine nodded and grinned, "Never been more ready." She stated.
"Well go get her girl!" Kate said patting her on the back as she walked around the corner toward the music room.

Pushing open the door Clementine was met with a heavenly light from the cursed outside, an unfamiliar song played in the background as Louis followed with his piano, standing meekly next to the instrument stood the woman she couldn't live without, the woman that saved her, the woman she loved. The blonde stood smiling shyly, stroking her arm nervously, Clementine walked forward, her heart beating harder than it ever had before.

Stepping up toward Violet, Clementine felt confident, she felt as if she could take on the entire world. Looking to her side she saw her, her face filled with happiness and love, her eyes trained on the other's.

Violet took in a deep breath, she closed her eyes and took Clementine's hand. "Ever since you turned up here I knew you were special, the first time I saw you I knew you were the one for me." She said with confidence. "At first I was so scared that you didn't like me, we kicked you out, but you came back for came back to me. You saved us, you helped us kill those assholes and save our friends." She paused for a moment, a single tear traveled down her face. "And you got hurt saving nearly died for me." As Violet paused Clementine wiped the tear from her face and gently stroked her cheek.
"I would do it all again, I would do anything for you, you deserve so much more and I'm so happy that we're going to spend our lives together." Clementine announced.

The couple stood together, both searching the others eyes for words, but no words came. The music in the background was little more than a whisper to them, both enthralled by the other.

"I love you." They both said.

Clementine's eyes sparked as they said the words, in a singular and swift movement she wrapped her arms around the blonde and leant forward into a passionate and explosive kiss. Wrapping her arms around the brunette's waist Violet deepened the kiss and lifted Clementine up above the ground slightly.
Separating slowly from the connection the pair were grinning widely.

Much Later That Day

I don't even know why I'm writing in this thing but here goes. Sophie gave me this after the wedding and food, she said that it could help with ideas or writing about how I feel. Anyways, I just got married! Never in my life did I think I was going to meet someone like Violet, she means so much to me.
The main reason I'm writing this is because I can't sleep due to my excitement. After we ate me and Vi came back to our room and let's just say we had a 'good time '

But now I'm thinking for the future, in a few days time some of Harry's old group will be joining us and I think that it's about time we started to build up our home. Somewhere people can be people and family can be family. I know that life is going to be hard for some people but we're going to have to overcome that. Hopefully we can find some supplies to build up Texas Two to be a proper home for people who need it.

I think that if Lee could see me now he would be proud, I try to think what he would say, how he would act, the way he would talk. Something I think that all the people I lost are still with me in a way, guiding me forward, guiding me to do the right thing.


Next Chapter is when I'm going to do something, hope you enjoy. Sorry for some of the waits I'm having some trouble sleeping which isn't too good for writing.

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