The Barn

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Note: I'm gonna start rewriting this entire fic because I've suddenly discovered my love for this ship again. Hope you all have a good day.


She couldn't feel the pain in her leg anymore, in fact she couldn't feel anything but guilt. As she looked on at the boy ahead of her her heart seemed to drop, she had something she wished she could say but her head was to heavy with misery to speak.

At her side the tall man in walker skin held her up, occasionally looking to see if she was still alive, his face was a mixture of determination and guilt, if only he had insisted that she had gone first she would have never been bitten.

As they walked down the dirt trail the wooden building came into view, by now the sun was low and the forest was calm. The boat had drawn all the dead for miles around so the path was quiet. As the small boy opened the barn door he looked for exits, exactly how she had taught him, she smiled as she looked over at the child his determination and enthusiasm was inspirational to Clem. She felt as if all that mattered now was making sure that AJ got back to the recently re-named Texas Two so he could live a normal life.

As she sat down on the dirt her entire body felt like it was on fire, the throbbing in her leg got increasingly more noticeable as she sat in the thick silent room. She turned and looked at James,"give me your belt.." she said quietly. He looked at her confused as he handed her his belt. AJ watched on as the dying girl that he had know all his life fiddled with the strap around her leg. He couldn't look away as his eyes began to fill with tears. Before he could start crying a voice let out a horrible request,"cut it off.. please..." she said as she looked at the boy.

Her voice was calm and dry as she looked at the boy by her side. He looked at the fire axe in his hand and back down at her leg, his face was blank almost as if he were a robot.

"Do you think that is a good idea?" Said James, the look in his face was slowly replaced as he looked over at AJ. Before he could speak the harsh metal had gone through her lower leg. Clementine let out a blood curdling scream as the blood began to drain from her leg. She looked over to AJ in shock as he began to cry. Before she could say anything her body felt heavy and her vision became a stagnant shade of black.

As she dipped in and out of consciousness she could hear James running through the woods as Clementine looked at the forest floor, AJ followed behind him still clenching the blood covered axe in his stained hands.

As she fell unconscious again she her a voice that she never thought she would hear again, aggressive yet calming. She looked on at the figure ahead of her, one of his eyes covered with a familiar eyepatch, hair greying and scruffy covered by the same old dirty orange hat.


Hello, random person number 8 here with some random fanfic, hope you enjoy as I still have a collection to of ideas to write into this. Next chapter should be longer I just needed to start there because I think that James was a cool character and I wanted to add him into the main group.
New chapter every 1-3 days

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