The Man With The Eyepatch

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Hey it's me again, this bit is basically the train dream with Lee but with everyone's favourite boatgod Kenny

The tall bearded man sat around the campfire, a cold mist lingering in his breath, she remembered the times she had spent with Kenny in the forest whilst AJ was still little, the shadow puppets and hugs they shared around the fire, just the memories make Clem smile

As Clementine walked over to the fire she looked at him, he still looked tired, he always did, in fact she was almost sure that he didn't sleep.

Before Clem could speak Kenny stood up and walked up to her, he placed his left hand on her shoulder and nodded," Thanks Clem, for what you've done for the boy, your better than me or Lee could have ever been." He said in a way they Clementine had only ever seen twice, the first time she found him at the ski lodge and after the close encounter in the forest.

Clementine could not respond with words, so she just hugged the man in front of her, his body gave off a homely warmth that Clementine had long since forgotten."I'm so sor.. sorry." Clem said choking on her words as she did, the scar above her brow reminded her of what happened in that car crash, it was pretty ironic that the other car crash she had been in might have saved her and AJ.

"You're kidding me right? Clem I had my seatbelt off and I was being an idiot as usual, I'm just happy to see that your still alive." He comfortingly said the her.

Alive. Alive.. she was still alive oh thank god

"It's been a long time since then, met anyone new?" Kenny said sitting back down near the fire, Clementine in a log near to him."Yeah.. Some kids about my age in an old boarding school. found someone." She said slightly nervous, she still wasn't completely confident with her sexuality but with Violet she felt like she didn't need to care about anything else."Found someone.. huh.. what like a boyfriend?" He said in a protective fashion."Girlfriend actually, you would have liked her, she reminds me of you sometimes." Clementine said looking away from the man, not sure if he would support her relationship or not."Well why are you here talking to an old man, you better get back to your gal before she had a heart attack." Kenny joked looking back into the fire.
"See you and Less soon? I really have missed you guys?" But before he could answer the crackles form the campfire became quiet and the light began to fade."Get back home Clem." Was the last think she could hear before the reality around her collapsed.

Goodbye Kenny

Hello Texas Two

Personally I think that Kenny needed a more heroic death not a stupid car crash but that was basically the hole of  A New Frontier. Any way hope people actually read this, have a horrible day.

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