Chapter 51 Yuya's POV:

75 3 2

Word Count: 507


My eyes twitched as I came back to my senses.

"So, that's him? How's he taking it?" A female voice asked.

I opened my eyes halfway. The world around me spinning slightly as I looked around. I could see four figures standing over me.

"Oh my gosh, he's so cute! Oh, I can't wait to see how mine turned out!" the same female said again.

"Hush! You woke him up!" A male chastised.

"No I didn't! I only said something because I could see his adorable eyes!" the female snapped back.

I blinked a few times as the dizziness began to fade. I could see the four people properly now. One of them was Odd-Eyes. The black haired male with violet eyes was there as well. Though the other two were new. One was a male with deep purple hair and pink eyes. The other was a female with long white hair and crystal blue eyes.

I started moving my arms but noticed that they were once again pinned to the table. I struggled a bit but gave up quickly. These binds weren't like the other ones. These were metal, cuff-like, cylinders that'd been bolted to the table... talk about over-kill...

"He's so cute when he's fighting!" The white haired female giggled.

I glared at her causing her to giggle even more.

"Now, now, don't tease him, he may lose control of his powers again." Odd-Eyes intervene.

"But he has those energy cuff-thingys on!"

"He's stronger no, remember? We just gave him another dose!

"Why am I here?" I asked plainly from the table, slightly annoyed about being overlooked even though they tried so hard to get me here, certainly took enough precautions to keep me from leaving.

I really wish I could have yelled, but my body's a little numb, making speaking difficult. Not to mention the fact that I feel like I'm gonna throw up...

"Don't ask such trivial things, love. How are you feeling?" Odd-Eyes responded.

"How is that 'trivial'? I get kidnapped, knocked out, and that's a trivial mat-!" I semi-yelled, big mistake.

My stomach did a summer-sault causing me to partially gag. Odd-Eyes quickly placed a hand on my forehead. As she did, a sense of dizziness flooded over me, and I closed my eyes. Her hand felt like ice, giving me a quick shiver. After a moment she rushed off and returned with a capsule pill.

"Say 'ah'!" Odd-Eyes prompted.

She really thinks I'm going to take some random pill!? After everything that's happened? I clenched my teeth and deterred my head from her. She huffed slightly, before she sighed loudly.


Without another word, she popped the pill into her mouth, pulling my face to hers. My eyes flew open wide in shock as she crashed her lips into mine, slipping the pill down my throat before I could even think. As she pulled away, a sharp pain struck through me, causing me to yelp. After another moment it vanished, along with what little strength I had left. All I could do was look around the room as the others darted off into different directions, leaving Odd-Eyes beside me.

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