Chapter 6 Phantom's POV

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Word Count: 634


We've stayed in this office for two nights now. Every time I ask Sora 'What's going on?', or 'Where's Reiji?', he just looks away. I can't even talk to my brothers! I hope they're okay...

"Yuya?" Sora said to get my attention.

It was dark out. I couldn't see him in this large, dark office, I could however, feel the sleeping animal beside me. He hadn't wanted to hurt me back then, and seems protective of me now; But why? He looks as though he came from the same place as the others, and the others were trying to kill us, so why is he different? Could there be others like him, that aren't trying to-... well... Kill us? I wonder what makes him so different...

"Yuya?" I heard Sora say once more, more concerned than before.

"I'm here... the bleeding stopped a while ago, remember?" I spoke gently to not wake the mysterious creature beside me.

Once Sora had gotten me onto my side and such, he left me in the care of the wolf while he went to search for some bandages. Once he left, the wolf had pushed me onto my side and began sniffing my wounds.

Is he going to eat me? The blood might have triggered some hidden instinct or something. Maybe I'm going to be his dinner tonight...

A moment later, he had bit my shirt and pulled it up, exposing my two wounds. After a bit more sniffing, he began to lick me. At first, It hurt, but only a little. After a few more minutes, the bleeding stopped.

I sat up slowly and realized that the pain had also ceased. I ruffled the wolf's fur.

"How'd you learn to do that?" I asked the animal.

I smiled. He sure is special. This shouldn't be physically possible! The saliva of this dog can heal wounds? Not to mention the fact that they were gun wounds!

When Sora came back and saw me sitting up, hands intertwined in the dog's fur, he raced over to me. He hadn't found any bandages, and Reiji was a no-find too. He re-assessed my wounds and came to the same conclusion that I had. And that was that this dog was definitely not normal.

"That's not what I was going to ask you..." Sora said, bringing me out of my memory.

"I just wanted to know something..."

"Go ahead. Shoot- metaphorically, of course. Reiji doesn't seem to be showing up anytime soon, so we've got plenty of time." I answered, with a small laugh.

Sora gave a small chuckle as well.

"Okay..." he started. "So, what was your life like? Before the Genesis Omega Dragon?"

I couldn't see his face, but he sounded distressed.

"Well, it was like-" the window beside us smashed into pieces, cutting me off, literally.

The glass flew everywhere, giving me small scratches in a few spots, but nothing my cape couldn't cover. A large black hand reached into the room through the broken window and grabbed me from my spot on the floor.

In an attempt to save me, Sora lunged at the arm, only to be met with some kind of invisible shield. The hand lifted me out of the room and into the sky. From there, a horrifying picture was portrayed. Below, was the sleeping city, above was a giant vortex, almost as big as the city! I struggled and struggled, but to no avail. The hand was too strong.

The hand was actually a full length arm, two to be exact, each reaching out from the portal. I stared at the portal in horror. Where could it lead?

The other hand reached back through the broken window and grabbed something, but I couldn't tell what, as I was pulled through the wormhole.


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