Chapter 12 Phantom's POV

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Word Count: 2148


I run down a narrow corridor. How do get out of here!? I don't think I've ever been in a school that has so many halls, rooms, and windows! There's at least four floors! I look behind me to see the man from before still chasing me as I turned another corner in this maze of a school. He's a lot faster than he looks, if I don't shake him soon, I might run out of steam, and that's saying something! As I round the last of the corner, I concentrate ahead of me, noticing an open door. I quickly rush in and slam the sliding door closed just as Zarc slipped through. I rest my back against the door as I hear the man pass by the door, still charging at full speed. Zarc, who'd ran with me, rested his head on his paws beside me.It seems the man didn't see which room we ran into. I glanced around the room as I caught my breath. A row of windows lined the wall across from me. The base of each window started a little below the halfway mark on the wall and stopped about two feet from the ceiling. Desks sat in the middle of the classroom in neat rows facing a larger one in the front that sat a little off to the side from a large chalkboard that was resting behind it. I sighed, standing up and walking towards the windows and looked out.

"Looks like I was right... unfortunately..." I said aloud to myself as I looked below.

It seems that we are on the fourth or third floor.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I whispered to myself.

I could try to go back into the halls, but I'm sure that man's will find me again... I guess it's worth a shot. I went back to the door, opening it a crack, and peeked out. I opened the door the rest of the way.

"Now or never." I whisper . I step out, Zarc beside me, as I closed the door.

The man was nowhere in sight. I started back to the infirmary, or at least the way I came... let's hope I can make it back. I know it's risky, but at least I'll be more accustomed to the surroundings... at least, more so than here... I darted around the corner and saw something move. Immediately, I hid behind the corner and peeked over. The man from before had managed to come full circle and was now standing in the middle of the hall scratching his head. I took a deep breath. I won't learn anything if I keep running off... I step out from the corner and stare at him. His back is turned to me as he stared into the hall.

"Who are you?" I state sternly.

He visibly jumped as he heard me speak.

"Yuya! Is that really you?" he said in a concerned tone as he turned to me.

His worried features were visible from the moonlight seeping through the windows that lined the hall on my left.

"I'll ask again. Who are you?"

He stared at me a moment.

"Don't you remember me? It's me, Gon! Noboru Gonzaki! Remember, Yuya?!" he stated slightly frantic.

"Sorry, not ringing any bells. How do you know my name? Are you working with Reiji to recapture me?" his expression switched from concern to shock.

"Reiji... had you detained? Why? Yuya, what's going on?!"

"Okay, first off, I have no idea who you are, so since you seem to know me, address me accordingly, which means for you to use my last name. Second, how do you know me? You seemed shocked that Reiji was trying to contain me? It's perfectly normal. We don't exactly see eye to eye on most things." I stated plainly.

"But why would he lock you up!? What did you do? Why didn't we know about this?!"

"You're avoiding my question. How do you know so much about me? This is the last time I'll ask." I said as I glared at him, my gaze cutting through the moonlight seeping through the window.

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