Chapter 27 Yuya's POV

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Word count: 1211


So...pretty..! I stared into the golden eyed animal's glowing hues. I don't know what it is, but this... this creature... I feel like I should be jumping for joy, but why? Honestly, I thought I'd be more 'scared' than 'joyful'. Even though the urge to surge forward and embrace the creature was overwhelmingly strong, I couldn't seem to move. Keeping me in place, were its golden, almost luminescent eyes.

"Yuya?" Phantom asked with concern.

I heard him, I truly did, but my body seemed unmovable, almost as though it was made of stone. Phantom looked between us. After a moment, he put his hand over Zarc's eyes, shielding mine from his. Immediately, I break free of whatever was holding me. I shake my head a bit, trying to get a grip on myself. How'd he know to do that? I guess I was staring for a minuet there...

"Yuya, were you out in the rain all night?" Yusho asked, reappearing in the living room, oblivious to the occurrence that took place mere moments ago.

It took me a moment, but I managed a weak nod, still slightly dazed. Why do I feel like this? My body feels so strange...

"Why don't you go upstairs and change? By the time you're done, lunch should be ready." Dad added as he stopped behind the couch I was sitting on.

I nodded again, this time with more strength. It seemed that whatever was going on for that moment ended. As I stood and began walking to the stairs, Phantom lightly touched my shoulder. I looked at him confused.

"Can we talk? Privately?" he whispered.

I nodded. We went up the stairs, Zarc's following closely behind Phantom.

"Hey! I like to be part of things too!" Sora whined as we made it to the door of the room.

Phantom stopped in his tracks with a sigh.

"I'd prefer to keep sensitive info out of your reach. I don't exactly trust you after the incident with Eve." He said bluntly.

What the- He didn't have to phrase it like that! Would it kill him to be a bit nicer!? Wait- I'm not that blunt, am I? I try not to be when I can, since I hate to sound mean... I'm an entertainer! Not some unliked-...-Rain-cloud!

We enter the room and close the door after Zarc entered.

" So... what was that about?"

"It was nothing, don't worry about it."

I gave a slight pout as I went to my closet and pulled out a fresh pair of cloths. Phantom stayed silent a moment, looking around the room. With a slight sigh and a small smile, I glanced back to him.

"So what's on your mind? If it's a question, I can't guarantee that I'll have any good answers..."

He seemed startled for a moment before he turned to face me. I walked to my bed and sat down, gesturing for him to do the same. He complied, swiftly making his way from the middle of the room to the empty space beside me.

"Well...I-..I know this is a sensitive topic, but I was hoping you could tell me more about Z-ARC, the one you fought..." he said quietly, fidgeting with his hands slightly.

I thought for a moment, looking up with a finger on my chin.

"I guess that does make sense. I mean, I am a quarter of who he was. Do you really think I can tell you more than you've seemed to gather?" I asked,returning my gaze to him.

He nodded silently. He is right, I do have a bit of a soft spot when I have to talk about that, but if he thinks it'll help then who am I to say 'no'?

"Also, I was hoping you could tell me more about your counterparts, Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri." Phantom added.

A wave of shock ran through me. I know he's been talking with my Mom and Dad, but how much does he know? Did he piece this all together? Or was he told this as a whole?

"Alright...Might I ask how you know about them?"

"Your parents informed me, why?"

I looked away, turning so that he could see half of my back as I brought a finger to my bottom lip.

"It's-... It's just that-..." the words seemed to elude me for some reason.

What was I going to say? Why do I care that he knows about them? Why does it bother me that they told him about them?

"Can you not communicate with them?"

Why are the words escaping me?


"Huh? Oh! I'm sorry.. but, yes... after we fused, things were fine' that is, until I beat my father. We even talked during the duel! But, after that, they've just been silent... I can't even sense them!" I said, more to myself as a reminder of what was going on.

Phantom looked unconcentratedly around the room with a quizzical expression.

"Maybe it has something to do with my issue...? You see, instead of having counterparts, I actually have three brothers, each one with the same name and description as your counterparts. Just recently, they stopped responding to my thoughts, and their presence seems to have dissipated as well.. I've been awful worried about them..." Phantom confessed.

How...? How can he say that so openly? I've never been one to share what is going on inside my head, but he can do it with ease! I guess we do have our differences after all. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen him smile too much since I met him, but then again, we only just met. But from what I saw, he seemed sad, even when he was smiling. On the outside we look the same, but it seems we're very much different on the inside. I wonder if  I can help him smile a bit more! I may not be good at notifying others about what's going on inside, but I am good at finding something that makes people smile! Maybe I can help him get his back! Even if only a little... Actually, I might be able to help just by engaging in the search for his brothers! Or at least their cause for disappearance... Maybe I'll find out why my counterparts are missing too.

"It's settled then! I'm going to help you find your brothers!" I say chipperly, jumping up from the bed in determination and extending a hand to him.

He looked back at me startled and shook his head.

"Why would you want to help me? Besides, I don't truly know if they're gone or if it's just that I'm in a different environment."

Now you're starting to piss me off... You just said that you couldn't sense them, ergo, they're not in you anymore! I took a deep breath before I spoke again.

"Well either way! We're going to work together, and we're going to get to the bottom of this! Now, don't you think this'll go a lot better, quicker, and more efficiently if we work together?" Come on! Please just say 'yes', ya' unliked rain-cloud!

He didn't say anything for a moment.

"Yeah..." He finally spoke.

"...You're right." he finished with a soft smile.


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