Chapter 13 Yuya's POV

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Word Count: 515


Sora and I were about five minutes from the school when my phone began to ring. Sora looked at me with a questioning glance, I on the other hand wasn't paying much attention. I'm surprised it was still working since I'm soaked head to toe in from earlier. Unfortunately, the rain has stopped and the clouds had already moved on to their next destination. I stared at the sky as the ringing continued. Maybe if I don't react it'll go away, go to voicemail or something... in the dark ocean of stars, the moon shone brightly. It was so bright and mysterious as it floated high in the sky above us. It seemed more beautiful tonight than ever. I don't know why, but I couldn't bring myself to look away.

"You gonna' answer that?" the blue pony-tailed boy beside me questioned.

The words seemed to break me from my trance. I guess I should answer; it might be my parents, after all, it's gotten quite late.

"Oh, yeah, I guess I should..." I answer, slowly reaching into my pocket for my screaming device.

I look at the caller ID and stop. Sora looks over at the ID to and gives me a confused look.

"Reiji? Wonder what he wants this late at night." Sora says as he lifts his hands over his head to rest them behind his head.

I shrug and answer.


"I didn't think you'd answer given the circumstances, but you need to clear things up, come to L.I.D immediately." Reiji practically yells into the phone.

I pulled the phone from my ear. I didn't even know he could be so loud! He's a projector that's for sure, but this seemed different; it was more of a distressed command... even Sora could hear him as his voice sailed through the oddly warm, night air.

"Hold on a sec', it's really late and I need to get home soon; can't we talk tomorrow? I mean, if this is about-"

"I said 'immediately'! That means you are either going to come to LID by your own will with Mrs. Hiragi, or I will personally find you and bring you here!" he shouted, screaming 'immediately' as he yelled into the phone.

"What are you talking about!? Did something happen to Yuzu? Do you have more info on Z-ARC?" silence was the only answer; even though there wasn't any noise on the other end, I could feel the murderous intent through the device.

I sighed.

"Fine , fine, I'm on my way." I answer, hanging up the phone.

I look down at my phone as the screen displayed the 'call ended' screen. I sighed and then turned to Sora, we were headed there anyway, but we weren't intending to actually go in, just around. As I turned to him I jumped, eyes locking with a wide, puppy eyed, overly excited, Sora.

"D-do you want to come to?" I ask, a little uneasy at the sudden reaction.

"Yes, I'd love to! I thought you'd never ask!"

I wonder what Reiji wants to talk about...


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