Chapter 33 Yuya's POV

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Word Count: 350


"Who else have you been staring at?"

My eyes were wide with shock.

"You-you can ta-!?"

"Yes, yes, but now is not the time for explanations! We need to catch up to that Akaba!"

Zarc's mouth wasn't moving, so does that mean-?

"Yes, no let's get a move on!" Zarc growled

'Okay, okay!' I heard Phantom think.

Phantom then suddenly grabbed my hand, pulling me down the street at an alarming speed, I didn't know I could run this fast!

As we reached the end of my driveway, phantom stopped abruptly.

"Damn... Where'd he go!?" Phantom yelled at himself.

I laid a hand on his shoulder.

"He probably went back to L.I.D. If he's anything like my Reiji, he'll most likely try to gather some allies; who better than himself?" I said.

Phantom nodded. We once again began racing off towards the L.I.D tower in search of Phantom's Reiji. But as we reached the park, located as a midpoint between my house and L.I.D, Phantom slowed his pace once more.

"We have no idea what he's got, so we can't go rushing in like this. We also need to conserve some of our strength for what's ahead; we don't know what may lie and wait." Phantom said, not showing the slightest signs of exhaustion.

I, on the other hand, was a bit out of breath. I'm an entertainer, not some kind of marathon runner!

'Neither am I.' Phantom responded.

"Y-you heard me!?" I squeaked.

Phantom laughed.

"Not just me." Phantom said, looking to Zarc who had perched himself on a nearby bench behind me.

'I know you can...' I thought to Zarc.

Phantom's smile turned to a confused and surprised half smile.

"You did?" I hear him and Zarc ask in unison, causing me to jump slightly.

"W-well... not really 'know', but I could just feel a strong connection between the three of us. It's like... well... umm..." I struggled.

"The link you share with your counterparts, and that I share with my brothers? Phantom offered.

I said nothing for a moment.

"Yeah.. just like that connection..."

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