Chapter 25 Yuya's POV

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Word count: 599


Sora and I have been running all morning. My body's really starting to feel it, not to mention my stomach too... But we need to find the other me! Wow... Never thought I'd be saying that again.

"Hey, Yuya?!" Sora yelled as he ran up to me.

We've been at the park for about two hours now and haven't found a single trace of him; not even a whisper....

"Phantom's always been good at hide and seek, we should rest for a minute. We won't be able to do anything when we find him." Sora said, coming to a stop in front of me.

But that might give- wait,
" 'Phantom'? "

Sora was silent, looking curiously at me. After a few seconds he seemed to realize something.

"Sorry I forgot! He was on the run from L.I.D, and we didn't know his name, so we gave him a code name. Since we didn't know anything about him, and he kept disappearing whenever he was cornered, we thought 'Phantom' would fit perfectly!" Sora admitted with a slight giggle.

I wonder why he was running... Did he do something bad? Is he a criminal!?

"I think you're right; a brake will do some good; I-am-starving!" I said exaggeratedly.

"Cool! Let's go to your house! Your mom makes the best pancakes!" He said excitedly.

"Wait, my house? Do you only come over for her food!? Why is it you only like my mother for her cooking ...?" I Asked with a sigh.

Sora laughed sheepishly and I couldn't help but join in as we made our way back to my house.

The sky was a bright blue by the time we made it to my street. We hadn't said much, but what's there to talk about that won't make us more worried than we already are? My head hurts everytime I try to piece things together, but I get the just of it. But if we're going to keep things under control, we need to focus on one thing at a time. Right now, we need to find Phantom. But, what will we do when we find him? I may have jumped dimensions before, but I don't know anything about how these guys got here. Wait, is Sora going to hurt him? Tie him up? If he does, will he do the same for me? I mean, Phantom and I seem so different, but what if we act more similar than I thought? Does that mean Sora would see me as a threat? No! Stop that! Sora is your friend! He'd never do such a thing!

When we made it to my house, we turned onto the driveway and walk to the door. As we reached it, we found that the door was locked. Strange, the only time we every lock the door when we leave, but I know that they're home!

I knocked on the door softly. A few moments passed before the door opened cautiously.

"Yuya?" My father said, opening the door to let us in.

"You seem to have a visitor!" He added as we stepped through the threshold.

He seemed slightly dazed, almost confused as we walked past him. After we entered, Dad closed the door, walking back into the kitchen, with us following suit.

Looking beyond the kitchen and into the living room, two figures sat on the couch in beside the window. The window beside them obscured any colors or shapes; making it impossible to see without being closer.

"Yuya!" What sounded like my mom called.

"Come have a seat for a moment."


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