Metal Monster

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I make my way back to the office. Everyone staring as I pass by. I keep my head forward, not giving them any satisfaction. I do not need this right now. I've just had a life changing experience and I can't tell a soul. I'm going to lose my mind. I mean how does Optimus and Special Agent Fowler expect me to keep such a secret. There are giant robots living on this planet, just fighting a war and no one knows about it. How have we not seen them. I mean they do have pretty clever disguises, but still. They are freaking giants. Six of them are living in some old missile silo just outside the town of Jasper. Just hanging out. No one ever happens to see them come out or go in there? I mean come on!

I'm so busy having a conversation in my head, that I almost miss the hallway I need to turn down. I'm sure I was making faces too. Considering there are more staring at me now, and I mean they stopped their conversations to watch me. I give an embarrassed grin and back up a few steps. An about face and I am stepping down the hall. My office being way at the end, makes it a very long walk. I am so ready for this day to be over with.

"Field op is in a week, we need get on it. Captain already had plans laid out. We just need to work on times and the counts." Tsgt Hops starts the second I walk through the door.

"Oh yeah, I guess we should do that." I sigh.

"He wants us to do a class on the gatling guns."

"Of course he does. Who is our newest Senior Airman? Didn't we have a few that just got promoted?"

"Senior Airman Herby just picked up last month."

"Have him do that class. I know Staff Sargent Tank would want to do it, but I think someone else should have a turn."

"I'll go let them know now then."

"Roger that."

I watch Tsgt briskly walk out of the room. Peace and quiet. Now I can focus on all the other paperwork. That's if I can focus. I still got Autobots and Decepticons on the brain. I really need to get this paperwork done.


A week later and I am currently hunched over my desk, filling out the last of the paperwork. They have planned a firing range while we are out there. More shit I have to do. More paperwork. I had to have a chat with Tsgt Tank, who was not happy to not be giving the Gatling gun class. It has been a frustrating week. I also haven't heard from Dreadwing all week. I haven't talk to the Autobots either. I've been to busy to try and check in with them. Its not like Agent Fowler hasn't been around. He knows I'm alive. But I was hoping to hear from Dreadwing. It's not like we talk every day, but I'm sure he would have checked in or something. I hope Megatron hasn't done any harm to him. I would not be very happy. More pissed off than I am now.

"The first trucks are getting ready to roll. Paperwork finished?" Tsgt Hops asks, sticking his head into the office.

"Signing the last bit now." I sign my name for the thousandth time and stand up. "I'll go take this to Captain now."

"Sounds good."

We both walk out of the room. He continues to walk straight, and I step to the right to the neighboring office. One that also has a officer hunched over paperwork. Only he looks a little more stressed out than I do. I think he even has a few gray hairs beginning to show.

"I have the last of the files for you." I say loud enough for him to hear me and get him to look up.

"Good. I'll take them." He reaches his hand out.

I put the papers in his hands and take a step back. Waiting for him to speak again.

"Your group is first to go. If you are all set, then get out there. I'm leaving on the third run."

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