Back to Reality

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I am riding in a talking robot truck. I have yet to come to a conclusion if I should be super hyped or scared out of my mind. I mean I think these guys are cool and all, but I'm not sure how I feel about riding inside the cab of one. I feel like I'm invading personal space. This day just gets stranger and stranger. I'm ready to go back to base and go lay in my rack and go to bed. Maybe I'll wake up and this will all be a dream.

"I'm not going to harm you." A deep voice rumble throughout the cabin.

"I'm not afraid of you. I just feel like I'm invading some personal space." I say sheeply.

"I assure you. You are not invading anything. I have passenger's in here from time to time." Optimus explains.

"Yeah well I'm sure you would rather not have anyone in here."

"Preferably yes, but I could not let you walk all the way back to your jet."

"You're such a gentleman, Optimus." I can't help but giggle.

"I'm not sure what that means. I'm just doing what I think is honorable."

"That is basically the idle gentleman. It means to be honorable, chivalrous. Just a good man. Though I guess you would be more of a gentlebot or whatever you call a male in your species."

"Mech, would be the right word."

"Okay a gentlemech." I say with a smile.

A comfortable silence looms over us as Prime continues to drive. The ride is comfortable as he drives over the rough terrane. I had expected it to be quite bumpy, but it seems Prime has ride control seats. This is probably one of the best rides I've had. Not that I take to many rides in a semi. I'm usually stuck in 7-tons, which are the military version of a semi. I could get used to a ride like this. Its not much longer and he pulls up next to my jet. She is still standing strong, parked just where I left her. The door to the cab pops open and I jump out with no hesitation.

"Thanks for the ride, Optimus. Hopefully I don't get into too much trouble getting back to base."

"I think Agent Fowler will be able to cover for you. I will want to keep an eye on you. Dreadwing may have been able to keep you secret, but I have no doubt that Knockout will tell Megatron of your existence." Optimus says as he transforms.

"Dreadwing hasn't done anything to harm me and he hasn't given any sign of wanting to harm me. I think he will not let any harm come to me."

"Megatron is known for his deceit. Dreadwing may do what he can to keep you safe, but Megatron is not to be trusted."

"I will take that into consideration. For now I must go."

"We will be in touch." Optimus then transforms.

I hope up into my jet and get my gear on. I start the engines and they come on with a roar, vibrating through my body. I turn on my communicators, but its silent. Which is very odd. I would have suspected they would be trying to contact me. I start to move forward. I bring my thrusters online and I speed up. I can't help but notice the red and blue truck driving along side me, keeping up with me. I smile behind my helmet and continue to push forward. I doubt he'd be able to keep up with me once I'm flying. Though, as I'm taking off from the ground, he veers off in the direction of the missile silo. He probably figured I'd be safer now or he was just looking for a nice run.

It isn't until I get closer to base that my comm begins to start working again. First its fuzzy and full of rambling. Then it gets clearer the closer I get. All trying to get a pin point on my location. Calling my name, trying to get me to answer. I'm almost afraid to answer. I continue to fly and as soon as the landing comes into view, I get ready for the landing. I descend closer to the air strip and let out my landing gear. I see a small group of people down below the nearer I get. I touch the ground with a small jump and a non to comfortable landing. My nerves are getting the best of me and I don't want to get out of this plane.

As I roll to a stop, I notice someone walking out onto the strip. Its Agent Fowler in his suit and tie and its walking up to the Captain. My Captain who is standing with his arms crossed waiting for me to get out. His attention is turned to Agent Fowler and he does not look happy to be distracted. I wait inside my plane for them to finish talking. They both send me a glare before they part ways and head back inside. I do not like the look of that.

The hatch opens with a small hiss and I take my helmet off. Not a moment later, Drake is at my side. I jump back in surprise as he starts to search me. Not sure what he's looking for, but I let him.

"I'm not hurt, nor was I kidnapped." I tell him with a straight face.

"You were gone for over five hours. I have to assume the worst. I'm just glad you're not dead." He grabs my face and looks me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I worried you, but I am totally fine." I grab his hands and pull them away.

"Then where the hell were you and why weren't you answering your comm?" Now the anger comes out.

I look away, trying to decide if I should tell him or not. The Autobots and Decepticons are probably something not many know about. I'm not a very good liar. I have to make this good.

"I was having some trouble so I landed, it took me awhile to fix the problem."

"What kind of problem? Why didn't you call it in?" He asks staring me down. I gulp.

"Well the comm line went down just as my rutter began to malfunction. So, I pulled an emergency landing and since there was no way to call you, I fixed it on my own." I try and keep my eyes locked on his, hoping he won't question it.

"Fine, stick with that story, but we are talking about this later." He sighed.

I let out a breath as he jumps down. I quickly straighten up as he turns back at me and sends me dagger eyes, as well as pointing two fingers from his eyes to me, stating that he's watching me. I think he knows exactly what's happened, but he knows it needs to stay silent. Especially right now. I take my turn and climb out of the cockpit and jump down to the tarmac. The rest of the platoon soon surrounds me. All asking questions, to many for me to decipher. I try and push them back, but they keep coming. I've gone on missions without comms before, what do they think happened? They are acting like I've been gone for months. It was only five hours.

"Guys I'm fine. Just some rutter trouble. I'm all good. I would like to go eat though. If you'll excuse me."

No one seems to budge at my statement. So, I'll have to use my officer voice.

"Step aside." I shout, aggravated I have to use this tone.

But it gets everyone to move out of my way and I have a clear path to the buildings. A clear path to get to the locker rooms and change out of my flight uniform. Of course, that is not what I get to do as I see someone looming in the shadows and I think I know exactly who it is. He steps out in front of my path and stops me.

"What the hell happened out there? Why do I have Special Agent Fowler telling me you are accepted into some special program and your flight today was some sort of test? Why didn't I know about this? What is really going on?" The Captain whisper shouts at me.

"You're the Captain. Shouldn't you know what's going on around your base?" I snap back.

"Don't get sarcastic with me, Lieutenant."

"I went on my flight, thank you, and now you got a lieutenant for your field op. Shouldn't you be happy about that?"

"Oh, I'm just super-duper happy." He said through gritted teeth.

"Will you please get out of my way? I'd like to change."

With a drawn-out sigh he moves out of the way. I give him my fakest smile and walk into the locker room. I can feel him staring at my back, glaring more like it. I don't let it bother me and I continue to my locker. I decide to shower too, it might help relax me. I'm hoping it does. This morning has been very eventful and I'm not sure how to go about it. I check my phone and see a text from Dreadwing. I can't help but smile like a giddy school girl. His message is just saying that his leader doesn't know about me and that he'll make sure I'm safe. I can feel heat rushing to my cheeks. I text him saying I wasn't worried, but I leave out the part about the Autobots. I'm not sure if I should say anything. Just because of the war between Autobots and Decepticons. With that I go and shower. I got planning to do for a field op after. Not something I'm looking forward too.

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