Field op Part 2

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I slip lowly behind my tent. Looking out for anyone that could be awake or duty patrolling. I keep my steps light and make sure to avoid using my flashlight. No matter how much I wish I could right now. I don't need anyone waking up because of me. I don't need anyone asking questions. I am an officer and I need to keep my reputation.

I get to the other side of the camp with little to no noise. I don't see Garret anywhere, so I decide to wait before going in. Part of me hopes he changed his mind and went to bed. I hear running of footsteps, so I know that isn't the case. I wait behind some brush until I'm sure its him. 

"Lieutenant?" He whispers in the dead of night. 

"In here." I whisper back, hoping not to scare him. 

He turns to my voice, but in the light of the moon, I can tell he is unsure of where. I reach out and grab his arm and pull him towards me. He doesn't yelp or scare. 

"Let's go." I order. 

He nods and follows me through the brush. I listen for the noises and voices I heard earlier and so far, the forest is as quiet as it should be.

I use a small flashlight to help guide us through. We make our own trail through the dense parts. We soon come to a small clearing, more like a path made in the woods. The bushes lessen and the trees become more spread apart. 

"I wonder if this is the way they came. I never go this far." I whisper to Garret behind me. 

We slow our walking and crouch to a stealthier position. 

"Stay close."

I hear him shuffle closer, his boots dragging through the dirt. Up ahead a few klicks I see something silvery, gleaming against the moonlight. The light breeze causing it to float along the tree branches. The closer we get, the closer it appears to look like spider webbing. Thick, sticky webbing. I walk around the other side of the tree, very carefully and I gasp. The webbing seems to have been torn, whoever was wrapped tightly around this tree got out, but only by tearing it apart. The length of the webbing from the middle of the tree has to be about six, seven feet long.

"What the hell kind of spider made this?" Garret wondered aloud. 

Then before I have a chance to stop him, he touches it. The sticky silvery webbing seems to pull him in, engulfing his whole hand. 

"Shit!" We both yell. 

I quickly get behind him and grip his arm, helping him to pull back. 

"It won't let go!" He shouts. 

"Don't panic, we can't panic." I grunt through clenched teeth. 

"Keep pulling back, I'm going to grab my knife." 

I wait for an okay from him, then I quickly reach into my pocket and grab my swiss army knife. Its not big, but I'm hoping it does the job. I grip it tightly in my left hand and put my right on Garrets arm. 

"Don't move." I warn. 

I get close as I can without touching the webbing. I can see the panic in his hazel eyes, they are wide with fright. 

"It will be alright. I will get you out." I assure him. 

I take my knife and slice up the webbing. Its strong and hard to cut through, but I push harder and soon it releases. Garrets hand comes out, covered in a sticky substance. His hand has a red tint to it but looks unharmed otherwise.

"Let's get you back to camp." I suggest. His eyes snap up at me from his hand. 

"But what about the thing you heard out here." 

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