He knows

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*Team Prime*

"You can't be serious Prime!" Ratchet scolded. 

Standing behind his Prime, who is currently at the large computer set up, trying to get ahold of the other fraction. 

"We must know before she gets hurt or worse." He argues back to his medic. 

"What if Megatron doesn't know that Dreadwing is seeing her? It might cause her more harm." Ratchet moves closer, lowering his tone. 

The Primes shoulders fell forward, understanding his old friends words. He lets out a sigh and brings his head up, looking across the screen. 

"We need to keep a closer watch. The second Dreadwing makes his true self known, I want her in here and I want her to know that we are the good guys. I want her protected." Optimus orders as the screen goes blank. 

"We will take care of her Optimus, but we also can't keep her from her job. She isn't like the kids." 

"Maybe Agent Fowler can help." He rubs his chin with his large fingers, thinking all of this over.

*With Jane*

I run into the locker rooms, slamming the door behind me. My hand slaps over my heavy beating heart and I try and get my breathing back to normal. For the past week all I've been doing is rushing back and forth from where I work to where I sleep. To the head and to the tarmac. I feel like I'm on a stealth mission. I'm not even that stealthy. But I have to keep hiding or he will keep watching me. It's getting beyond creepy now, but I have no reason to say something. I don't even know what I'd say. 'Hey Agent fowler is following me around all the time. His wondering eyes are always on me, but as soon as I look, he's not there.' I never catch him. I catch glimpses of that suit. That damn suit that has started to haunt my dreams.

I catch my breath and get to my locker. My fingers fumble as I try and unlock the metal door. I can't think straight and its not just from the stupid agent. Its my patrol day and I'm supposed to see Dreadwing again. I haven't been able to get him off my mind since I met him. I'm excited and nervous to see him again. That's if he even shows up again. What if he doesn't show up? What if he does show up and he attacks instead. What if it's a trap? There are so many variables I've been thinking over. There are so many things that could go wrong.

I pull my jumpsuit over my legs and pull my arms through the sleeves. I zip up and pat down my suit. Checking that everything is in place. Time to get out on the deck. I have flight to catch.

*Team Prime*

"She's getting ready to fly now." Fowler speaks over the phone. 

"Roger that, Agent Fowler." A young man, barely an adult answer. 

"Jack? Where's Prime? Ratchet?" 

"They are all on a mission. I'll make sure Optimus knows." 

"He better. I don't need Dreadwing intercepting her again." 

"Got it" 

"Fowler out." A click echoed around the base and Jack commed the mighty leader. "Optimus, Lieutenant Jane is about to fly in the air." 

"Dreadwing seems to be distracted, he might by trying to leave as well. Thank you, Jack."

*Jane POV*

I check the flight controls, start the engine up and prepare for takeoff. The mechanics went through and through the flight and comm systems to make sure everything is working in tip top shape this time. They didn't find anything wrong last time, but they did a double check to make sure. I hope nothing goes out on me this time. Though it was quite convenient last time. I secure my helmet and mask and make way to the strip, ready for takeoff. I give a thumbs up to the flag boy and head towards the sky.

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