Field Op (Part 1)

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It's the morning of our departure for the field op. We will be going fifteen klicks from base, kicking it off in a wide-open field. A few other higher ups will be joining us, so I have to act like a Lieutenant. I stand off to the side with the other officers going over the procedures for the two-week field op. There is a new mission every day. The weekend we still have the prechecks and maintenance to take care of but there won't be a full fledge mission. I'll be going back and forth from base and the field with the aircraft as well as helping with the para troopers. There are four scheduled jumps starting on Wednesday. It should be a good time.

I watch the enlisted take care of filling the planes and trucks with equipment. The armory guys just got back with the weapons for the op. I zone out on the work being done, I don't hear my name being called. 

"Jane!" Captain shouts.

I jump at his voice and turn to look at him, wide eyed. 

"Yes, sir?" I question, trying to ignore his daggers. 

"If you would pay attention and not be in la la land, you would know what I just asked you." 

"Well what did you ask me, sir?" I try not to be sassy, but its so hard. He just erks me. 

"Did you complete the range forms for your platoon?" 

I have the other officers now staring at me. I keep my composer and think to myself if I did or not. I remember signing them last week. 

"Yes, I completed those last week, sir." I say as politely as I can. 

"And you turned them into Master Sargent?" 

"Yes, sir." 

"Alright, I think we are almost ready to go. Once they finish loading the trucks and jets we will leave." 

I nod and walk back inside, deciding it would probably be best for me to go to my desk and wait. I'm sure there is something in my email I need to look over.

"This is Oscar one Juliet, preparing for takeoff." I speak into my mic, waiting for the go to take off. 

"Oscar one Juliet you are clear to depart." 

I take my que and flip some levers and switches and I feel the aircraft begin to move beneath me. I glance over at the Captain then back to the view in front of me. Moving along the tarmac, we get set to takeoff. I pull against the wheel and we slow ascend into the air. I see clear blue sky's in front of me, the nose of the plane pointed in the air. Once we reach the correct altitude, I even out and we are heading west. We will be landing before the group arrives. Ten klicks don't take that long in an aircraft.

We are landing less then ten minutes later. I call out my destination and landing codes, then I slowly land the osprey to the ground. Landing gear down and the closer I get the more sand and dust flies in the air. The trees bend backwards from the wind created by my blades. I feel the Captain's eyes on me as I prepare to touch the ground. I bite my lip and pray for a good land.

There is a little jolt as the gears touch the ground, but a good landing non the less. I flip some switches and the aircraft slowly slows its rotors and engines and soon she is off. I lower the back end for troops to start getting out and emptying the cargo in the back. I take my helmet off and flight mask, setting it on the dash. The Captain is already out of his chair and in the back before I am unbuckled. I have to complete my log before I can begin to help. Even then there are enough guys it shouldn't take long. By time we are done unloading the trucks should be arriving and we will be able to start helping them out.

The command shelters, camo netting and sleeping tents are the first things to go up as we unload trucks. Each soldier is set to a different area to help. Our operations are set up in no time and everyone is clearly tired and worn out from the days events. Getting field ops set up are always a daunting task. I try and walk through the areas, making sure everything is going over well. I know I should be in the command tent, but its always stuffy in those things. Especially out here in the desert. We may have a/c generators, but it doesn't always help much. My gear is already set up in one of the large tents. It's the only female tent. Its not to crowded, as there is only five females. I'm the only female Lieutenant, the rest are enlisted. All NCO's and below.

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