New York

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This, of course, worries me to no end. I have no idea what I am supposed to take away from that. I understand he wants me to stay at base, but why? What is going on? There must be something bigger going on that maybe even the Autobots don't know about. I begin to pace back and forth, my fist under my chin, my arm under my elbow. I can feel the eyes of the others watching me. I haven't told them about the text. I'm not sure if I should.

"Lieutenant Jane? Are you feeling alright?" I feel the floor shake from Optimus's one step closer.

"Optimus, may I speak to you alone?" I turn and look up at him.

He nods his head and holds out a hand for me. I walk on and he walks down the hallway out of the bay. We get about halfway and he sets me down. We keep walking before I open up.

"I texted Dreadwing." I pause. Not sure what I'm waiting for. "he said to not leave the Autobot's base. I'm worried something worse is going to happen or is already happening."

"I have the same feeling as well." Optimus agrees.

"Optimus, I know you don't want me to talk to him, but maybe I can get through to him. Get him to stop. I can't do that if I'm not near him. Maybe we can get the military involved and I can get my jet. We can fly out there and attack from the air. There must be something we can do."

"I do not want innocent lives lost." My shoulders slump forward.

"I understand, but we signed our lives away on a dotted line. We will die for our country and right now our country is at war. Innocent lives may already be lost. We can help. Please Optimus. Maybe talk to Agent Fowler about it." I pleaded.

He kneels down, trying to get closer to my level. He lowers more of his body down. I feel as though I'm about to get the lecture of my lifetime. I thought the captain's stare was worse.

"I know your worried, but I already have a plan in place. I am not going to tell you, because I am afraid you will try to follow and I can't have that. Your safety and all other humans are my top priority. If Dreadwing said that you need to stay here, then I am ordering you to stay here." He explained.

"What do I tell my Captain?" I accept my defeat.

"I will have Agent Fowler give him notice." He stands tall and we make our way back into the bay.

Everyone is standing around. No one knows what to do. Optimus gets on the comm and calls for Agent Fowler. We all listen in on the conversation as he tells him about my situation. I feel like I'm a child again. My teacher calling home talking to my mother how I got into another fight at school. Though I'm not doing any fighting here, yet. I need to find a way to go with Optimus and the other Autobots, but that will be difficult.

"Optimus, we got another problem?" Ratchet says, concern laced in his voice.

"What is it?" We all try and get closer to the screens. I'd fall off if there wasn't a railing in the way.

"Starscream has joined the party at the New York location." Ratchet explains.

"We must go. Starscream will do more damage." Optimus doesn't hesitate.

Ratchet opens the ground bridge and the Autobots don't wait. They rush through the swirling vortex and head to battle. I stand up top, itching to follow. I don't know much about Starscream, just only that he used to be Megatron's first lieutenant before Dreadwing. The children make him out to be a whiny little bitch. Only they didn't use that word. I wish there was a way to see what is going on. After awhile of silence, I speak up

"Ratchet, please send me out there." I plead. I don't even have a plan. I just need to be there.

"No." He doesn't hesitate. Oddly, I feel offended.

"Why not? I can help."

"There is nothing you can do. You will only get in the way." I'm trying to figure out why it hurts to hear that. Sounds like something my father would say to me. The man may have loved me, but he had an odd way of showing it.

"Let me try and get my jet. I can help Optimus from the sky." I'm grasping as straws at this moment.

"You are not the only one that can fly. Dreadwing and Starscream can also fly. All the Decepticons fly. They will shoot you right out of the air."

Dreadwing has never tried to kill me, besides that one shot. I don't even think he did that on purpose. He would also protect me. If I can get out there. I can be a surprise attack and stop this nonsense.

"They won't know I'm coming. They have no idea. I have weapons. I could shoot Starscream out of the air. Please. I can do this."

"Optimus said no. I am not letting you leave this base. Per Optimus." Ratchet now is in my face. I could feel the air coming from his mouth hitting me. Thank God for no spit. I would have drowned.

I decide to accept defeat. Ratchet probably wants to squish me right now. I go and sit down on the couch. The children backing off and not saying anything. I feel so useless right now. After a moment of silence,  I feel the couch dip, but I don't look up. Honestly, I just want to be alone right now.

"Lieutenant..." Raf starts, but the comm goes off and we all look over to the computers.

"Ratchet" Optimus's voice booms throughout the silo.

"Here, Optimus." We all wait in silence.

"Ground bridge us back."

Ratchet opens the ground bridge and it doesn't take long for them to come rolling though. There are visual scrapes and damage to their metal bodies. They took quite a beating this time around. The children and I stand at the railing, watching them shuffle in.

"We were able to stop Megatron. Dreadwing and the rest of the Decepticons left the scene. Our only hope is that they don't plan to come back." Optimus relays.

"What about Starscream?" Jack asks.

"He fled too. The minute Megatron joined the scene, he was scrambling to the air." Arcee says.

They slowly make their way to the makeshift medical bay and Ratchet begins repairs. I walk down the stairs and watch him work.

"When will I be able to go back to base?" I quietly ask, looking up at Optimus.

"After everything settles down. I need to make sure Megatron isn't going to try again." I nod at his answer. There isn't much I can do now. I don't even know what to do. "Agent Fowler is currently at that location making sure no one saw anything."

"What about the other locations?" I ask the question and the computers start to go off.

Ratchet pauses working on Bumblebee and makes his way over. He types away before turning back to Optimus.

"I have the answer to that question. They are at the California location."

"I'm going this time. Take me back to base. Let me get my jet. I can help. Is Starscream there?" I ask, hoping they just go with is.

"Starscream is not there." Ratchet says.

"You are not going with." Optimus orders.

"I can help Optimus. I will have power in the skies. I understand that Decepticons fly, but they won't expect me. I can't just sit here and do nothing. You guys are also not 100 percent. You need my help." My voice only rises as I speak. I am not backing down this time.

Optimus heaves a large sigh. Taking a moment to think. I continue to stare him down. I will figure out how to get out of here and get my jet myself if I have too. 

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