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"I need all the ammo I can get. Load that jet up." I call out to the Airman and Soldiers running around. A bunch of 'Yes, Ma'am's' get called out.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Drake asked walking up behind me.

I turn around and look at him. My arms crossed from watching the men and women run around.

"I have to do this." Is my answer.

"You don't have too. I'm shocked the captain is even letting you do this."

"Yes, I do. And me to, honestly." I shrug.

"Can't more of us go with you? We can help. You shouldn't be fighting them alone." He gets closer, attempting to talk in a whisper.

"I will not put others in danger. No one knows the real danger out there and I'm not about to let anyone die." I turn back and watch my jet getting loaded with ammo.

"What if you die?" His tone sounded sad. I want to turn around and hug him, but I know that would be out of line.

"Then I die, but at least I'll have saved thousands of lives." My breath hitches in my throat as I speak. The nerves really starting to hit me, but I know what I need to do.

"You're not going to die. You're a good pilot. But I love you, Rebecca. You're my best friend. So, make it back in one piece alright." I barely hear him over the sounds of the engine starting up, but I turn and give him a wink.

"I'll be back. You're not losing me that easily." I smile and grab my helmet from one of the airmen and jump up in my jet.

I buckle up and get ready to take flight. I put my helmet on, turning on my radio and the cover to the cockpit latches over me. The runway is cleared, and I move forward.

"You are clear for takeoff, Lieutenant." Control relays to me.

"Cleared to go." I say back and I pick up speed.

Soon I am in the air. I haven't been in flight in a few weeks, so this feels amazing. The sheer force from my speed keeps me in my seat. The freedom I feel is keeping my mind from thinking about what is about to happen next.

"Oscar one Juliet to Autobot Outpost Omega One." I speak into the receiver.

"Ratchet here. Autobots are ready. When you get close, they will go in." Ratchet explains.

"I'll let you know when I'm 20 klicks out. That will give you enough time for the Autobots to start the distraction."

"How long?"

"45 minutes tops. Maybe sooner."

"Sounds good. Ratchet out."

The call ends and silence fills the cockpit. I go over the strategy in my head. A lot of the plan is riding in me to get there and blast the Decepticons away. My only hope is that Dreadwing doesn't get in the way. I didn't tell him I was coming. As much as I want him to know, I can't give the others time to slip away. I wasn't about to give them a warning, giving them time to run away. This is bigger than our friendship. If I have to choose my country over him. I will choose my country. I always have and I'm not about to change today. 

I arrive sooner than I thought. I hit 20 klicks and call the Autobots.

"Oscar one Juliet to Autobot Outpost Omega One." I call.

"Ratchet here. You close?"

"Send the Autobots in, but as soon as I come into position, they need to get out of the way." I warn.

"I am sending your signal to Optimus. You two will be able to communicate."


"Ratchet out."

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